Sukhoi Breeze

But, what does it weigh???

If I had to hazard a guess, I would say that it’s to stop glass from falling out in the event of the lense getting fractured. I’ve never really understood it either.

I don’t think they look that bad on there.

You get all the stars, ever.

Mustang owners (and the Mustang II, as well as the Mustang’s reputation as the Harley Davidson of cars, and not in a good way) are why I feel bad for the Mustang.

No, you’ve simply bolted on two easily removable parts to an otherwise stock car. You did not re-engineer the entire vehicle as Hennessey did when they produced the Venom. It shares all of 2-3 parts (the windshield and doors, if memory serves) with the Lotus upon which the original design was based.

You are so full of shit that it's laughable. Enjoy your day, sir.

I’ll let you take it from here.

That’s the joke.

You really have no idea what you’re talking about if you think Hennessey would build a 1500 HP LS motor (which incidentally take VERY well to large amounts of boost; witness junkyard 5.3s making over 1,000HP) with no concern for reliability or longevity. I’m done wasting my time arguing with you.

So they took one of the best-looking cars of recent decades and made it look...worse? Ok.

You just said “cheaper brethren” with regards to a Veyron. I’m dying of laughter here.

Who, exactly, gives a fuck? They’ve produced them, therefore they are production cars.

As someone who aspires to turn an S10 into a racecar, this video does funny things to my pants region.

The dealer will rip you off every time. They won’t even make you an offer if they’re not able to make obscene margins on your car.

You had me at “rear wheel drive GTR.”

At $6-7k, it's not a bad buy. $13.5k is just way too much. Maybe if it had an LS or something it would be worth that much, but as it

Automotive butterface. Wonder if you could take everything from that kit and tack on something else in the front from another kit to make something truly amazing to look at from any direction.

That would be rather expensive, I suppose!

It is quite frustrating since Cadillac has so much potential to go upmarket. A prudent move for improving their brand image would be to stretch the CT6 platform, give it some fancy clothes, throw the kitchen sink at it, make it drive really well, and limit production to 500, maybe 1,000 cars. Boom, instant collectible