Sukhoi Breeze

I read Car & Driver's write-up of the Icon Bronco a while ago and while I understand it's a no-expense-spared build, their most expensive one was something like $500,000 (the actual price appeared in the magazine; the online version says you need $50,000 down before they start building), which I think is ridiculous.

It is definitely cool. Sounds good too! The Icon Bronco is even better.

Say what you will about the show/people on it, but they did someseriously nice work on that wrecked F40. I love that car.

Definitive proof that money =/= driving skill.

Fuck Ferrari in general. Yes, they generally make good-looking and fast (sometimes even in the same car!) vehicles, but as a company they are deceitful and generally dickish. The worst part is that no one (barring you guys and Chris Harris) calls them on their bullshit. If literally any other car company did what

It says right at the beginning of the video that racing voids your warranty. Then they say immediately afterward that it's meant to be used at the drag strip (racing). Uhhhh, contradiction much?

It's very fortunate you caught it before it snapped! On engines with a single drive belt, you are absolutely screwed without it. That's why I carry a spare with me at all times.

I can vouch for idler pulleys going bad. My dad's '91 S10 had a maddening, incessant squeak that persisted through 3 or 4 belts until he eventually figured out the bearings in the pulley were worn out.

Also, imagine the looks of shock you would get from people who are expecting a Porsch noise and instead hear a giant V8! I think that alone would be worth it!

That is awesome! I bet it goes like stink!

If money was no object (it still is for me, sadly), I would offer them $10-12,000, yank the 350, throw an LS1 or LSA (if possible) in it, paint it black and re-do the interior to match, and last but not least, PUT THE TACH IN THE DASH. Seriously, what moron thinks a tach is going to do any good at knee level?!

Yes, yes it is.

Is Miata still the answer to every question?

"I've always resented the fact that whenever a cop drives by, I feel paranoid instead of protected."

I just threw up in my mouth. U-G-L-Y, you ain't got no alibi, you ugly.

"offer them 500 roubles for widening our hole with their special tool." Uhhh...

When did BMW start making weedwhackers?

Seems like very, very shitty driving on his part.

Is it just me, or does it seem like the rear wheel is about the size of a pizza cutter?

Exactly. This article neglects to mention that Mitsubishi will datalog the cars and void the warranty if you drive the car like a lunatic (which is how Evos gained their fame in the first place).