
Is this before you’ve even had sex? Are they trying to entice you? If so, ewwwww.

My mom died on monday. We had a different relationship than you and your dad but i still feel you. Sucks.

On monday my mom died after many years of suffering from alzheimer’s. That night i felt a combination of sorrow and joy - so sad that she was gone but at the same time happy that her torture was over.

I’m so sick of these fucking assholes, propagating falsehoods and imposing their religious beliefs on others. Fuck them fuck them fuck them. I hope they succumb to a dreaded disease and spend an eternity in the circle of hell they self-righteously assign to providers and consumers of this legal procedure.

Maybe stick to a different website. Anywhere but here.

Yeah. Having a “retarded” child, that’s funny.

I don’t even like star wars but i love the storm troopers twerking!

They’re feisty tonight.

Wow. Was it really necessary for her to throw in that second line? Pretty snarky.

Yeah. It’s pretty good. *sighs with jealousy*

I’d be ablazé with fire!

And it was EVERYWHERE!!!!

Uh huh they’re EXACTLY alike. Perfect comparison. If you're a moron.

I donated for the first time because i want my fucking woman’s card.

Obama was just too good. And Larry has a quirky way of interacting with his audience that didn’t work in a more traditional setting. Some of the jokes were good; some fell flat. Before I watched today i saw some complaints about his use of the n word that made me worry but actually, it ended up being PERFECT.

Yeah, rebecca shortened to becky was somewhat popular in the 70s. Rebecca is okay but becky is atrocious. I do like Becca though.

will do, SMACKY!!

People made a bigger deal about it when he was a baby because even though he is supposedly half kazakh (the asian part) and half russian, his asian side predominated his physical features. I was constantly getting asked questions about his father/daddy/my husband, which sometimes led to awkward moments since i adopted

You are making me giggle and i need a good giggle!