Every candidate who’s gone on that show has been somewhat “cringe-worthy,” if that’s what you want to call it. Because they’re politicians.
Every candidate who’s gone on that show has been somewhat “cringe-worthy,” if that’s what you want to call it. Because they’re politicians.
True, but apparently it does matter to some people. I was just noting my belief that if it does matter to someone, it’s an easy enough fix with the clothes they sell everywhere, and the wig idea seems kind of unnecessary.
Do you care about minority rights, including the rights of blacks, latinos and muslims to not be harassed or targeted? Do you care about the balance of SCOTUS, about the transgendered community who are being marginalized in North Carolina, or about women in Indiana who now are prohibited from terminating a pregnancy…
Yeah one of the cool things about babies is giving them baths in the kitchen sink and them not having much hair to take care of.
If people are worried about making sure their kid is identified as a particular gender it seems to me that’s a pretty easy fix. It’s been a while since i had any baby clothes but my recollection is that boys and girls clothes were pretty distinct from one another in style and/or color and followed pretty traditional…
Uh, kinda hard to blame that on Obama. He’s been fighting for it since he took office but has been repeatedly obstructed by Congress.
North Carolina’s transgender community and the women of Indiana say “congrats! So happy you’re sticking to your principles and fucking us over in the process!”
She does look happy. My reaction was “good for her, she deserves it.”
This is a wonderful story.
No you gotta leave the drugs thing off because they might say “hmm, this fetus might have a disability so it’s covered by the statute . . . No abortion for you!”
Ha! When I left I moved to Texas, but it was Austin and it was 1983 - still better than Indiana!
I grew up in indiana and fucking hated it as far back as i can remember. I couldn’t wait to get out - left in 1981 at the age of 21 and never looked back. And as hard as it is for me to believe, i think it may even worse now than it was when i was growing up. After last summer’s “religious freedom” bullshit and now…
Eek! We’re not quite there yet.
Not sure why you’re calling her a live-in caretaker. In the complaint she identifies herself as a “live-in domestic worker” and not a “personal attendant” because she spent more than 20% of her time performing work “other than feeding and dressing a person who needs supervision.”
“Sometimes abortion is the right thing to do.”
Why do you hate flowers? Flowers blooming in springtime are one of the few things that make life worth living when everything else sucks balls. As they do presently; I’m having a bad day. Bah humbug.
Do you say it with that level of drama? Please say yes. That would be awesome.
Damn, those are some impressive knowledge muscles!
The fact that you are still friends with her is conclusive proof that you are a way, way, WAY nicer person than me.
Canadians. They’re just like us!