J'son Cox

I get the feeling they are treading on new ground here, which includes some growing pains along the way. I’m sure there are quite a few problems going on behind the scenes, as this is a pretty big problem-solving stage in development. Making video games is hard. 

Yep, saw this coming a mile away. Well, I gave Bron, AD and Boogie a week on the court together before catastrophic injury ensued, so I was off by about a week. My bad.

Much respect...

Yeezie’s third album makes a good argument, although I think Late Registration is his best work. These two albums being the only Kanye things I’ve been able to digest in its entirety.

I think much needs to be said of the actual (not target) audience for Borderlands. My friends are in their 40's and absolutely love this series. Its a fair question to ask “if a game should mature but it is a wild assumption to think some people weren’t already grown ass adults when they got into Borderlands in the

Not a single mention of his most obvious, incomparable performance:

The second time around, I certainly noticed a change in Leo’s performance when acting like he’s acting. He’s usually kind of hamming it up when Rick Dalton is in front of the camera, but when he finally nails that one scene with Luke Perry, he turns the whole performance up to DiCaprio level. I also noticed how he

Man, I been looking at that island, that helicopter for the last week saying “I’m gonna get you!” (since the apparel event is still going on right now). Now its just gonna be ... gone? I’m scratching my head over these guys hyping up Episode 1, which apparently rewards Year 1 Pass holders with removed content.


I was thinking the same thing. Dolemite, at least in character, has a distinct gravely delivery. Which is weird considering Eddie Murphy is a phenomenal impressionist. Needless to say, I’m still all in.

I saw it as a life lesson for possibly being a jackass in the first place. Wouldn’t be surprised if that was actually Morgan Freeman in one of his many Godly forms.

Yes, I truly question the level of talent it took to write that. 

Lists that start with #1 ... there’s a special place in hell for that.

I’m still baffled that Bioware decided to put all their eggs in this overly-ambitious basket instead of keeping some focus on the properties they have built their reputation on. Obviously there is more documented details to that story, but still ...

Dope! I always wanted to ride one <3

I don’t think any upcoming programming with Hulu will be that far separated from what Disney is launching over at Disney+. I haven’t heard anything more than rumors, but I am more curious to know how/when/if there is an impact on Hulu’s library as far as more adult-oriented Disney content is concerned. They own a ton

I understand this may not qualify, but I don’t know how to play cards, spades, dominoes or shoot craps. As a 40 year old black man, that is the equivalent of not knowing how to enter a building via an automatic sliding glass door. I live by the letter of the law, in fear I am found out my first week in prison.

Wow, came for this and it was the second post I read, ha ha. I always try to introduce my out-of-towners to the Seattle dog. Something I always thought was pretty simple (although it is to die for) but to my surprise was completely foreign to people I introduced it to. The cream cheese makes it work, and I don’t know

That world is beautifully illustrated by Pepe Larraz and R.B. Silva, two artists who channel Stuart Immonen, one of the greatest superhero artists of all time.

“I can, uh ..... LINE???