
only if you are a panzie.

I'm always a bit confused by the truck hate. Yes, this looks a bit bro-trucky, but the statement "how many people actually go offroad in ______," is stupid. How many M3 drivers actually take their cars to the track? Ferrari owners? Corvette owners? Dodge Viper owners? LOOK AT ALL THE PERFORMANCE ORIENTED

"Lets make the front end as large and awkwardly proportioned as possible without balancing the design anywhere else on the truck."

Hellcat Audi S4

If the second guy owned a Ranger Rover, all of his bags of money would be stuck to the service window of the dealership.

People wearing blue jeans with exposed rivets who lean against your clear coat should be shoved out of airplanes and then the parachute a few seconds later.

I absolutely love the fact that we live in a world so jaded, where you not only:

Right? Did they even see that one documentary about the bus with the bomb on it?

Aren't all Russians really stunt drivers at heart?

or pull out his can of mace, ride out in front and just crop-dust those dipwads.

They could probably get the warranty that I mentioned in the article. Or just do the work at an independent shop, before any expensive repair work is needed. And I keep writing the articles because people keep reading them. Weird how that works. :)

This needs more hyperbole, because I just watched the video and I 300% lost my ability to literally even.

in that all-wheel-drive mustang... O_o

This is the bevel drive out of my 63 Ducati Scrambler.

Why. Why are people still clinging to this idea? Seeing the way most people drive, would you really trust them to drive a car many thousand feet over your house whilst trying to Tweet something they saw or scroll through Pintrest with their non-mascara applying hand?

How I imagine Torch felt when the press release reached his desk.

I don't think it's much of an issue, they've been on the metric system for some time now.

Each new Ferrari will also come with a $100 Olive Garden giftcard for that old country taste.

Nice try, junior.