
Honestly I can’t even pinpoint how long ago the trouble started. Like the merger happened in part because Square were running out of money because of the failure of Spirits Within and the whole virtual studio that was supposed to support (not sure what was happening with Enix at the time), and almost all the mainline

Yeah, this is just the kind of shit Conan said.

Not saying he didn’t know anything, but it definitely is in line with his usual stuff.

At some point, you have to ask yourself about your own expectations for games (i.e. things we play to kill time for fun). We are entering into an environment socially now where everyone wants every single thing addressed according to their liking or articles get written like this. Had the devs/writers stopped to “more

I’ve seen abusive relationships on the side of the man getting abused as well as women. I know someone who keeps going for abusive women and it reminded me exactly of what I listen to and saw from Amber. Constant putdowns and criticism, physical attacks, not letting him sleep when he has to work, starting fights with

A lot of Depp supporters also know the case inside and out. Algorithms show you content you engage with - so you aren’t going to see the indepth pro Depp chatter if you aren’t looking for it. I could say the same about the pro Heard side. I’d love to have an actual conversation with someone on team Heard to see where

I’m team jury, and they gave us verdict. Heard lied about Depp abusing her.

Heard abused Depp though, that much is certain. Those audios are atrocious. She gaslit, punched and mocked him for not being enough of a man. She’s toxic as hell!

As someone who also works in reality, NOBODY should be surprised that Bravo is in the crosshairs here. They run a shit operation, and always have. They’re notorious.

As someone who works in reality TV, I say good for them.

I’m sorry. Clicking to go places? That’s a tip? That’s... how you play baldurs gate. All of the games.

Feeling empowered in your own body is important for your mental health but any GP is going to tell you that a BMI pushing into the 40s is not ideal. Being happy with who you are and dying in your 40s isn’t the vibe the kids are clamoring for. 

I’m gonna be honest here... none of the people involved here, including Lizzo, are a healthy weight for their height, and they’ve all had their doctors tell them that.

As someone who knows Melissa from before she became Lizzo, let's just say I'm not exactly surprised 

I thought Jezebel was maintaining the edict that some women have penises. Doesn’t this make Kelly Clarkson a transphobe? I get so confused. 

This is the issue that I feel isn’t being addressed here. Leaving out the biological double standard and risks of health problems, isn’t it pretty damn irresponsible/selfish for ANYONE, of any gender if it were possible, to have a kid at 79? Your chances of seeing that kid get potty-trained aren’t great, let alone

I have to say, I find it pretty enviable that De Niro has lived a life blissfully free of having to field questions about his biological clock”

Also having a child at his age has a higher chance of the child being Autistic.

At 79 he is unlikely to ever know if the kid develops schizophrenia as it onsets often in the 20's.

Plus having lots and lots of money will insulate De Niro from the struggles of having kids this late in life. If his kid ends up with schizophrenia, which is a good chance because of De Niro’s age, he’ll have plenty of wealth to address that diagnosis so he’s never burdened with it himself.

human biology is not sexist, no matter how badly you want to warp reality to fit your biased worldview.