
Yeah I’m inclined to agree that if he had been involved, he probably would have been outed by now.  Like you said though, we probably won’t ever know.  I’ve always enjoyed his work, and personally wish him the best.

AFAIK he was never outed as one. All that means is: We don’t know.
I’d say it’s unlikely that he was one of the big issues himself because then we would likely have heard about it by now considering how big a “name” he is, but that doesn’t mean he in his various leading positions wasn’t shielding or ignoring bad

I really wish Jeff Kaplan would come back to Overwatch but part of me feels he should remain blissfully retired from the nonsense they made it.

I wonder if Metzen is going to be able to stomach the design changes of Overwatch and Diablo when he gets his fingers on them. I doubt he can steer them away from the “micro” transaction mess.

And Brendan Fraser *has* been obese in the past. He was also isolated and shamed, and lost his livelihood (after being abused). One could argue that, judging actors solely by their personal experience, Fraser is actually *very* qualified to portray a broken, achingly lonely person struggling with obesity.

People can disagree with this awful take of an article without believing it’s ok to hate anyone.

Do progressives understand how dumb and ignorant they look on this topic? The article and half the commenters on here just sound ridiculous.

Nobody in this comment section has said anything about hating fat people at all. You're projection and making erroneous assumptions

It’s just really weird. Fraser has been obese. The writer has been heavy, we don’t know how heavy but I’m guessing a lot worse than merely “overweight”. Aronofsky isn’t either but I don’t think, as a fat person, that being fat is hard to comprehend, and I don’t think “fat-positive” stuff is helpful when it’s about

Nor affirming something about a person is not the same thing as hating them. This form of gaslighting that is constantly used by ideologues on the left is just plain dumb and just as bad as tactics ideologues on the right employ. 

As an actual fat guy (300lbs at 6'2"), I feel like Rich sneering at “non-fat” people making a movie, when he himself is, if the internet is truthful, muscular and ripped as fuck (I’m impressed), is frankly a bit fucked up. Brendan was for many years a hell of a lot heavier than Rich is suggesting. He was obese even!