
what the fuck is Baldwin even saying in that tweet?

This stance will come back to bite democrats if/when they get power back in 2018/20. So either


That was a pretty jarring ad, and I guess I’m not used to seeing such stark, blatant imagery coming from “my” side. (though I’d be very interested to be shown more like it!)

Filed to: Things I didn’t know I needed until now.

We should not limit access to semi- and automatic weapons, because Americans have the right to defend themselves against criminals and tyranny. But...we should also not limit access to “bump stocks” because they make us less accurate with our weapons, thus saving lives! Police guns should also be equipped with bump

This was an awesome story. These artists are doing important work just by visibly being themselves. This part was especially notable:

Enjoyable story, very good reporting. If a genie appeared and told me I had to pick between the GOP losing control of Congress in 2018, but Ted Cruz wins, or the GOP retaining control but Beto O’Rourke wins (and also Ted Cruz shits his pants at a campaign stop), I’d have to give it serious thought.

Looking for bright spots in the poorly-structured hell of New York City elections is a tough ask. Amanda Farias and Randy Abreu are both exciting candidates and it’s insult to injury that Farias will likely lose to someone like Diaz. Abreu seems like he has a decent shot at pulling out a win though, which is exciting!