Someday Dikachu, someday.
Someday Dikachu, someday.
You shouldn't have to choose.
I could listen to someone whispering chiffarobe into my ear all day long.
ICYMI: "I'm feeling 22" is still up for grabs.
The secret? He was dead the whole time!
Happy Birthday to me!
If Serial was a serial of cereals, would everyone who ate the cereals of the serial called Serial, would they be Serial killers?
Can anyone recommend a cereal?
And knowing is half the battle.
Just make Eagle Eye 2 already!
Cyan or golden rod?
The pat that was quietly corrected.
As pat of a course correction, the AV Club will no longer bother with proof-reading.
Hollywood magic!
*jazz hands*
I thought they would go for…..higher
Bigots rarely let facts get in the way.
How can you people make jokes when a 2nd Great Depression is Unavoidable?
Where's the kickstarter to pay this guy to make more kickstarter videos?
relevant records?