People confused by David Lynch? Nooooooooo, say it isn’t so.
I think (well, I HOPE) that everyone recognized that he wasn’t endorsing Trump and was just pointing out that he’s going to have a huge impact. It was pretty obvious that he wasn’t calling that impact necessarily good.
That being said, Lynch is still kind of an ass for being so glib about something that has exactly…
I personally didn’t see it as praising Trump but I did get a whiff of “wow, cool, let’s watch it burn.” Lynch didn’t seem to be bothered by what Trump is doing, but just admiring that he is getting away with it. I guess I expected more initial outrage first and then the amazement. But then, I admittedly did not read…
Ding ding ding.
Ouch. That’s even shittier.
My ancestors can suck it. They had their damn chance on the earthly plane.
It’s probably going to go over as well as similar crap in Japan, where women are being told “but we’re dying out! Do what we tell you!” and they’re all “nah, we’re good.”
Democrats are so out of touch they don’t even realize that there is no legislative or judicial or executive path out of this for the foreseeable. There’s a zero percent chance (it is in fact mathematically impossible) of winning a supermajority in the senate for impeachment, so Trump is staying his full term. The…
Being civil, turning the other cheek, staying respectful, etc. are elements of the same, naive, ridiculous aspiration of the Left: as long as we stay true to our values, advocate for equality, and stay civil, everything will turn out in our favor because we were the better person.
It’s never the men’s responsibility not to suck, it’s always our fault and our problem to fix :-/
Right? Like the reaction never seems to be “maybe us men should try to not suck as much as to be more attractive to these new modern women who don’t depend on us...” No, we just need to teach the women to want us more.
“There is also concern in China, the Post reports, that “educated women will decide not to marry men and have kids”
Will always associate...
Shit. Forgot blue collar. And also white collar. Apparently white people are the only people with collars.
I agree with you, but hey we clicked on it too. I don’t click on anything here re: Kardashians or Kanye, and I got the idea from I think DrugstoreGlasses, hoping enough people do this so they don’t get coverage here anymore.
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Jesus God this woman is a disaster.
It’s a doozy alright. She has tweeted that she was unaware that Ms. Jarrett is (part) African-American. So her defense appears to be that she is Islamophobic but not anti-Black.
So did she explain what she “really meant”? I bet that would be a doozy.