
That truck looks truly cared for and someone somewhere hitting their crack pipe may buy it.

But these trucks are to wonderful to own in mint condition, and with a few flaws can easily be had for less than $2500.

Don’t listen to this chum.

That has nothing to do with it. Diaz was up weight too, and had 11 days.

McGregor lost the fight cause he wasnt the better fighter that night. Simple as that.

Not yet.

Thanks for the suggestion.

I am still having some fun wondering. More content is on the way so I have high hopes.

Fallout 3 I just remember basically endless content. Everywhere I found myself seemed to open up a deep new story. Fallout 4 I just wonder for 5.56 ammo and occasionally kill a boatfly for someone.

I am pretty disappointed with fallout 4. This is the first time I’ve openly admitted it.

I went back to visit valentine as I hadn’t gone though his quest lines and... I cant. I tried my best to go though the game slowly but the next thing I know I am in the institute and there are no more quests available.

Its not that people want it.

Its the majority of people who are lazy and are not bothered by quickly putting a few dollars on their credit card.

Microtransactions are bullshit. They make money, no shit. So do short term high interest loans.

Came here looking for this. This game took shotguns to a whole new level.

Gears of War ?

Its pretty easy to get.

Competitive play. People like competition. People also like video games. Its pretty natural for e-sports to come about.

I drive my track car a couple days a week to work. I will not stop. Not for you, not for anybody.

I want to go to parties with EPA just to make observation.

Is it to much to ask for a live stream from a single source? uggghhhhh

Virtual Fighter was my life in 3rd grade.

My friend got me onto it just this previous weekend. A few years back I was HUGE into Americas Army and nothing really captivated me the same way. This game gets extremely close. Its very competitive, strategic, and challenging. Lots of tense moments.

He will definitely feel that for a few days.

That upholstery is so good.

But if they don’t die who will sleep with all of their virgins?

I am very much looking forward to the commercial version. I have DK2 and the resolution just where it needs to be for a competitive scenario, but non the less the experience is incredible.