Because I can...
Listen some people understand pictures better than words. Or learn by experiences.
Because I can...
Listen some people understand pictures better than words. Or learn by experiences.
Listen some people understand pictures better than words. Or learn by experiences.
Is it really hard to believe that some people control a car better when they drive it how they feel it should be driven.
If you are not a good drive I expect you to be scared of this thought and for that reason I have previously stepped…
Ignore people that insult you. If no one challenged the world we wouldn't progress. Insulting a curious child is no different then insulting an adult with a powerful mind.
There's nothing wrong with being wrong.
Have a smile. It's on me.
Whats the story that goes along with that image you posted?
Realizations are a great thing.
Complimented in the sense of being very thorough. Insulted in the fact that those rotors could be re-used and that material not wasted.
Do you recycle them properly? If so; it's a full on compliment!
If you are changing rotors every time you change pad's then I would like to submit a formal request to have your name changed.
AverageMechanic is not sufficient.
I want to say nice price! Cause I've done motor swaps and it would be hard to do it any cheaper.
But something is telling me it's going to catch on fire soon...
My thought, he handled that so well.
I've encountered several professional drivers and many talented but well known "grassroots" drivers in iRacing. While I don't play it any longer cause its to time consuming for me, the games pretty great. It's cool to run along side some big names occasionally, even if its a game.
I guess I don't feel like I am simplifying it to much.
You aren't bothered by someone who is different than you, but you appear to be bothered by someone different than you who expresses themselves.
If you were homosexual I don't think you would be so affected by people who enjoy this show, so I am assuming you are…
And why does it bother you exactly? They like something you don't like and express that. Are you jealous of that self expression because of you are insecure?
Dare I ask how you feel about homosexuality?
There is something wrong with this view of other people.
Would you argue that men and woman should attempt to live out their stereotypes?
The buzzer in a FB rx7 is so terribly annoying. I had been lucky enough to drift in a friends. I would recommend anyone who gets into grassroots drifting to disable the buzzer prior to your first event.
You are welcome.
Maybe its not muscle memory at all. He just process information really really fast lulz.
I only use rechargeable for more power demanding items such as video game console controllers or occasionally a small radio.
Most everything else I use standard double/triple A batteries.
I remember when I was a kid going to Flordia with my parents. I was told I could get one souvenir.
I bought Sports car gt. Great game.
Taking it seriously would be investigating.
"Eeeeeehhhhhyyyyy!" ~Ghoul