really isn’t at all. Have you considered that youre a stupid, entitled, fat bitch instead? really isn’t at all. Have you considered that youre a stupid, entitled, fat bitch instead?
I find it very hard to believe you have a friend.
It’s absolutely breathtaking how ignorant and proud of it you are. No one cares what you think about anything. You’re not an authority on anything except maybe weighing 300 pounds.
What a stupid thing to say.
Lol this is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen written in my life. Your feed is hilarious and an interesting look into the mind of an extremely unintelligent person. I bet people go way out of their way to not have to be around you.
White people are suchhhhh squares. And I’m sure oppressing you with their very existence.I’m so sorry you have it so hard.
People who use view things through the lens that you do, i.e. trying to police someone’s random comment about a character on a show by declaring it to be “too focused on white people” and therefore somehow indicative of.....God knows what, generally have very little perspective and are unintelligent.
You are not an intelligent person.
What a stupid pointless distinction to make.
Definitely agree.
No one anywhere cares what you think about anything. Every single member of the nbc and hockey night in Canada commenters agreed with me btw. So you’re just ignorant.
Haha. Yeah id be salty if I lived in the rust belt around a bunch of jobless yinzers.
Enjoy living in the shithole that is pennslyvania.
You know absolutely nothing about hockey.
You have no idea what youre talking about, and most likely have never played hockey.
Lol no.
Um....I guess maybe. Weird hypothetical.
No one cares what you think about anything. Hyperventilate a little more.