Nah youre just annoying and it bothers me that I have to share a planet and a political party with someone like you.
Nah youre just annoying and it bothers me that I have to share a planet and a political party with someone like you.
No one anywhere cares what you think about anything
You’re sooooo edgy.
No one anywhere cares what you think about anything.
Congrats on the job. You’re so impressive. You can’t work at a “top research organization” without being a verified genius.
Fuck you
At least shes able to fuck off without worrying about having a heart attack or crushing her partner.
Youre a sad sad person.
You aren’t an intelligent person.
Who gives a fuck about anything on Twitter.
Why waste your breath even voicing an opinion as dumb as this.
Yeah I don’t like the world either but at least I’m not shallow enough to blame all women or all men.
Also its funny that you equate “making multiple posts” (mocking)“you”, with “caring what you think”.
I thought no one could ever give you any evidence? Huh weird how when put in your place you start arguing something completely different.
Yeah I bet you have a lot of stuff going on.
No response from the complete shit head. What a shocker.
No one cares. Kill yourself.
Shut the fuck up you stupod loser.
You are disgusting and ugly and im sure so are your loser freak friends.
You’re a fucking loser and no one cares what you think.