
Having seen the relevant ... uh, bits, I would recommend living with the breathtaking fantasy, for sure.

I agree, but then, so is "Benedict" (eggs). And my first and forever movie crush? "Humphrey," which is just embarrassing. And yet ...

"he just needs to keep the name of his lady out of the press"

That episode's cinematographer was amazing. And it was ... damn, I have to look it up ... Steve Lawes. Terrific work.

Oh, nonsense, half my British women friends have horrible crushes on him. The other half are like all the people on this thread saying "Weird!"

He was with Olivia Poulet for over 10 years, and even after they broke up ... no, not gay.

Thank you, BB! You make it all better!

It exists - not exactly porn, but def. full frontal - a biopic of ... Rembrandt? Honestly it just looked like hobbit sex, I'm sorry to say.

Hiddles is really quite cute! But Chiwetel, unf.

I defy my non-boyfriend and side with my husband, who gave me a Cumberbitch t-shirt for Christmas. (Yes, I adore my husband.)

As long as Clive Owen is mine ...

Damn, I love her SO MUCH. This just makes my crush worse. Because fuck it, they're real.

Am about to pour my second glass of wine. And maybe watch some Buffy the Vampire Slayer. God damn it.

Emphatically, you are not alone! I love the whole thing.

Fascinators are against the rules at Ascot, for some reason I don't understand. I've always thought that wedding thing was a fascinator, but really? No clue.

I don't think so, only because another daughter-in-law, the Countess of Wessex, is ALSO wearing the same color. They must have coordinated. (Yes, I know who these people are. Yes, I am horrified.)

She is "Sky News Sunrise co-host Isabel Webster" according to the Daily Mail. And yes, she looks terrific - in spite of the wonky armholes on that dress.

More here (both pretty and ... not so pretty).

She has the oddest resemblance to Patti Smith in this photo.