So you helped put him in office by voting for Stein. Thanks.
So you helped put him in office by voting for Stein. Thanks.
What do you mean by “actual evidence”? Because testimony with first-hand knowledge of what transpired is actual evidence.
Trump is the eyewitness. Duh.
We’ll never know because the sue-at-the-drop-of-a-hat Trump won’t sue any of them for fear of his bluff being called.
The President just called these women liars, but can’t back it up with receipts. He just opened himself up to a whole new range of defamation suits - and he used the official apparatus of the White House to do it. This should make for a whole lot of billable hours that he’ll eventually refuse to pay for.
Last week a friend of mine was talking about his thought process on all these revelations recently, and he said he’d come to the conclusion that there wasn’t a fundamental shift he had to reckon with; most guys are still good guys, and the problem is a handful of serial predators. I was like, dude, that is incorrect,…
I would hope not, but I have no faith in humanity at the moment.
“If the project was double teaming a cute 14 year old, sure I’d work with him!”
no kidding-who is going to be left on Morning joe? Please don’t let Willie Geist be a creep.
I have mentioned this a few times but this show is mesmerizing to me. I started watching it this summer on maternity leave because there was nothing else on at 6 am and there was so much political news...I got dragged into the whole thing. It is horrible and bland and tasteless...but there is something hypnotizing…
Make every fucking thing a female dominant profession
You should’ve seen how happy he was when he found out he and Mika were getting married. It was like his royal wedding.
Make politics a female-dominant profession, like nursing or teaching or retail.
She might have her period all over th constitution!!!!!111!!
I think it’s not the job of VICTIMS to make sure they yield the microphone to worse-off victims as soon as they start speaking. Plus, there’s not just one microphone. It’s the job of those listening (especially the media) to make room for everyone. I think it’s ultra- harsh to attack actual victims for not speaking up…
Don’t be greycist.
Yea but that’s why Jez is EXACTLY where these articles need to be.