
Property is theft, therefore theft is property, and this ship is mine.

You know what I have been watching? Deep Space Nine. There is so much rebooted BSG in DSN. An episode where a character hears a song out of nowhere, a war against aliens who can look like humans, and the Ferengi’s papers have the corners cut off.

You want an “old series” movie? Have you gone back and re-watched the old series? They are terrible. I watched them when they first came out, and even as a kid, they were pretty terrible.

It does look like an art form, but I found the output of the art form unpleasant.

Never gonna happen until getting water from the Owens Valley is more expensive than other sources.

I don’t know, how much evidence did Amber’s girlfriend have to present in 2009?

So sad.

I am a “one drink puts me to sleep” guy, who married into a family of committed, professional drinkers. It’s been startling to see up close. I do not understand where the desire to drink so much comes from, but I think they are getting an intoxicated sugar high. I mean, alcohol is just fermented sugar right? I don’t

5 beers a day? You are right to be concerned about your liver.

Yeah this is the crux of the issue. No matter how much you drink, if you can’t stop, then you’ve got a problem.

You drink at lunch? What job do you have that you can drink at lunch?

Don’t we all?

You know, you could have hung up on him. Just sayin.

All persons that suck:

I live in the foothills of Northern California between Sacramento and Tahoe. We have a freeway(80) that runs between Sacramento and Reno. I have always thought that there should just be a tunnel going from about Roseville to Reno. It would just be for freight rail and trucks. Passenger cars and rail can take the

Of course, he(Deuter) is Depp’s assistant, and therefore Depp is his boss. So if Depp wants you to text her begging him to come back, that’s what you do. He probably didn’t see it himself, so it’s all second-hand to him.

“Ken Starr has always been full of shit.”

It could actually be less than zero. Many people in this position(stock-rich, cash poor), take out loans using the stock as collateral. As the stock value falls, this triggers a clause that the note is now due in full.

You think the “Oil Industry” is reading your Gawker posts and deciding which ones should be allowed to stay? You are Cuckoo for CoCoPuffs.

I guess it’s not very Princess story-book romantic, but to me, being married is a big deal. Plus, being married and divorced a bunch of times seems like a real hassle to me.