Suckie McSuck

That is a solid, well-digested take.

I feel naive even typing this but it just annoys me when the government lies. You’d think I’d be used to it by now but here we are.

All those false flag theories read the same though. The Alex Joneses of the world just aren’t all that creative tbh.

I would be.

Or “The Letterman excuse” as I like to call it.

Who said Stevie Wonder did all that? And besides, I can’t see why you’d doubt it.

I had never heard this one before but now I fervently believe it and will pass it on to others as a fact. Thanks, new friend!

This one’s my jam too. I’ve sold my wife on it too.

Chris Martin, Ryan Gosling, Justin Tiberlake and Vince Gill?

Just because...

How about ‘The Little Duggar?’

I made that math mistake when I was about 12 years old. You know who corrected me? OTHER TWELVE YEAR OLDS!!!!

One time Slash told Charlie Sheen he needed to cut back on the partying.

Damn you. Take your star and GTFO.

Did Gervais go on a racist tirade I’m not aware of? That’s a lot of venom towards him to just not find him funny.

He’s a phenomenal guitarist though.

Mindy McCready reference or another one that went over my head?

Everyone should list all the horrible things that should be done to her. No punishment is too harsh!!!

Short list of best gifs ever.

Well, they’re not wrong. <puffs on imaginary cigarette>