Suckie McSuck

The Manning Conspiracy by Glenn Beck

There aren’t enough stars for this comment.

Is it in your contract that you have to post every day, even holidays, even if there is no content to the post?

In this freeze-frame from the video you can literally see the move out of San Diego tearing Rivers apart.

I’m sure Belichick likes what he sees there.

I would still love a magnetic gyro wheel as a gift. I’m stoned a lot though.

What am I missing? Are refs not supposed to watch the fucking plays closely? Should he not be as...aggressive (?) in his...watching?


For fuck’s sake. How am I supposed to get that ‘Doctor’s’ face out of my head now?

Obligatory ‘I’m fine with him being banned but I’d still like him in the HOF’ comment.

It must suck to feel bullied online. Imagine someone doing it to you for 500 days in a row.

I’m like that with pro wrestling.

That’s excellent news for you then! You can ‘compliment’ her and totally not ridicule her and just ignore her brother’s corpse in the room with a clear conscience. That’s really awesome for you.

Has her brother been dead long enought for you to start ‘commenting’ on her day-to-day life again yet? And if you aren’t mocking her then why not have this episode as part of the 500 days? Certainly this is a big part of those 500 days, no? And since it’s not cruel why not run it? I mean, she wanted to be famous and

“500 Days” Is it really so hard to figure out how the whole thing doesn;t smack of “You wanted attention bitch? Well, you’ve GOT it!” So carry on with the innocent, “who, us?” charade. Maybe you can fool yourself. Now go pretend you feel so horrible for her and her family before you go back to mocking her like nothing

Kristen Cavallari’s very livelihood depends on being in the public eye. And a website has chosen to publish a DAILY feature on her.

And semantics isn’t a good argument to justify cruelty.