*Looney Toons
*Looney Toons
Becasue I like to watch the world burn, what’s Bobby Valentine up to at the moment?
This guy is still the GOAT imo.
We’re already reading this dirty, filthy site. Go defend yourself to people with higher standards than us.
At the baseball game last night, a gun show broke out.
I heard Nitkowski sayoong this bullshit on the radio last night and the Fox hosts were falling over themselves to agree with him. “Winning means choking your best player! How hard is that to understand?!?!?!”
I assume about 20 he was saying, “A fine, upstanding chap. Quality fellow all around.”
That mask is barely protecting any of West’s chins.
These comments are just going to be a list of things Jerry finds to be things of beauty, aren’t they?
I wonder if Rousey still think Sandy Hook was staged.
Wow, she’s adorable. Good for her.
This article is hard to read. Might I suggest starting with an overview of the situation then getting into the stats of the people involved. Granted I’m high, but still, that was really awkwardly written.
I’ve said it before but he is the Lemmy of golf.
Not just his intern: one of his Instagram interns.
He’s the Lemmy of GOLF is what I meant.
Paging Rex Ryan. Rex Ryan, line 1.