
Tons of people in the mental health community are working on putting into place teams of mental health professionals who can respond to these types of calls in place of police or together with the police. Some states have them already. You can advocate in your community, check out NAMI (National Alliance on Mental

I hope Gillian gets called a whore a lot more times. Then I hope a lot more women get called whores a lot more times, because then it’s extra funny, because it’s 2016 and I still want to watch shows where women are called whores for a laugh!

I don’t understand the justification “this was a competition so even though I won this competition and I am a reporter and may write favorably about this product because I won this free vacation trip it’s o.k. because it was a competition.” I do not understand this logic. Literally. As in I’m not being sarcastic, I

I have rarely yelled at my daughter in her 18 years, except for when she stares at her phone walking around town. We live in a stupid little college town now, but I’ve lived in NY and LA (and there’s crime here, too), but I will YELL at her if she is looking at her phone walking in a parking lot, parking structure or

Sorry, late, about your sad Christmas eve. Hope your holidays get better or at least not worse...

I appreciated that Amy and Maya took down the Star Wars phenomenon in their “Sweater Weather” sketch essentailly saying it was based on a movie made for babies.

Now that you’ve replied, go back and read the part of the article where it says that boycotting these stores only hurts the workers more.

Now that you’ve replied, go back and read the part of the article where it says that boycotting these stores only hurts the workers more.

Whyfore Orson Wells?

Oh hello, my fellow North Carolinian, at least the weather’s gorgeous!


I made peppermint bark last year for Christmas gifts. It wasn’t that expensive to make or difficult and I had never made it before so go fuck ya’selves, WS.

How about some love for the writer(s) of the sketch? I don’t know if Ms. McKinnon wrote it, though there’s a chance she may have, if not, whoever did deserves credit for a crazy good job.

and giving blowjobs

me, too - thanks for a great laugh!

Same for the stupid show with the naked tatooed lady coming out of the plastic garbage bag in the middle of Times Square even though I know it was renewed. (“Blindspot” is the name of the show but also, be carfeul when you google “tatooed naked lady”. FYI, there are a lot of freaks out there. And not just the naked

She is not o.k. I mean I know what you mean but she is right in that she will never be the same.

You and BatCountry made me scroll up to re-read Kfeds tweet so you haven’t wasted your time for nothing. Also, he’s wrong about NY in the rain, nothing stops. He’s lying.