Suck It Trebek

What does Tom Brady have to do with this?

Really, the only fair way to settle the controversy is to kill Gabriel Byrne and see which film is listed first in his obituary.

Maybe his lawyer dictated it to someone else to tweet it.

We are living in the upside down.

I am advocating violence. I hope his death is seared into the American psyche like JFK’s. 

While I am not advocating poltical violence, I look forward to the day when I will be able to dance on that orange motherfucker’s grave. I realize there will be a line, but I am preparted to wait.

I will dance and sing the day Trump is assassinated or dies from some cardiovascular issue. I don’t care how it happens, I want that orange piece of shit in a fucking grave.

Deadspin when it’s right: “ESPN should be condemned for segments like Jacked Up that glorify head trauma.”

How can this be true AND Jerruh is the shadow commissioner? Like there’s someone behind him pulling the strings? That’s stupid

Producer: “Cue up something for the loss of Roy Halladay.”

Whoa hang on, did you just compare a quarterback getting hurt while choosing to play a SUPER FUCKING DANGEROUS game to a rape victim?

You are an idiot.

You are comparing football to rape, but I am the one....right.

“The man, who is described as 26 to 28 years old and wearing a red, white and blue jacket, got off at the next stop and fled on foot.”

Good god, chill. The “meek protestations” of this “dross” you’re referring to are in your head; the man clearly was tormented by this experience, tried to fill the void with alcohol, and realizes that no matter what he does will never have the ability to make amends. What’s done is done. He’s one of ‘those’ people,

I don’t wanna be “that guy,” but can we get a little clarity on this? Was she trying to get her stroller while she was still on the plane? Where was she going to put it? Was she trying to get off the plane with the stroller? Was everyone getting off the plane?

I would have thought the article made no sense. I mean Obama’s oldest daughter wasn’t even born yet when Cobain died. Now we are supposed to believe a baby dyed her hair blue? The whole story would fall apart.

It’s not every day Deadspin runs the same headline as Breitbart.

they refer to themselves as boys. don’t see the big deal here.