
I’ve met him in person and stood very close to him while he was wearing some slippers at work and I’d put him at a solid 5’10”. Definitely not 6 feet but not 5’8” either-not that that matters very much because he’s a whole snack regardless of height.

No, it isn’t. I mean, I’m a straight guy and even I get the tinglies in my Funk Bits when he’s on screen.

Yeah the outrage has everything to do with where it happened and the animal that was killed. 

Yep, if a grizzly bear killed 1 white people and had to be shot there’s a 0% chance that similar comments would be getting upvoted like they are right now.

Yeah, I think that calling this “cold-blooded murder” is a bit, to borrow your namesake, hyperbolic.  We euthanize dogs that even so much as bite people here in the US, so I don’t see anything wrong with shooting a 400-pound cat that killed 13 people.

can’t wait to see all the replies that prioritize a tiger over human life

I loathe this show with the fire of a thousand suns. My husband is a CalTech astrophysicist, and while he can be a bit socially awkward at times, he’s also kind, thoughtful, witty, a fantastic partner and a devoted dad. He overtly advocates for greater inclusivity and diversity in the sciences, and participates in tons

Also, several readers have reached out to me to suggest I watch previous seasons before I review this show. To them and anyone else who feels this way, I politely say...fuck no. That is not the point of this series! Thank you. 

You’re doing the lord’s work, watching this show so we don’t have to.

Part of the problem with discussions like these is we leave out reality. Rarely are sexual or romantic relationships established with complete equality between the parties involved. Yet, we do not & we cannot hold the more powerful entity responsible for what the less powerful entity freely decides to do. Ms Lewinsky

This comment is typical of how the thoughts and feelings of Native Americans in this debacle are being ignored.

Powerful piece, Nick. Thanks for writing.

This is the most “white people shit” ever. A couple generations ago, a single drop of Native blood would get you thrown out of the family. Now she wants to “claim” it so she can wear it like a scarf.

Maybe chill instead of defending a magazine segment.

At least he’ll always have his time with Constance Wu as he has dalliances  with all this aggressive, offensive mediocrity.

White North American Buddhists are some of the creepiest and most terrible people I’ve ever met. Look at the Shambalas im Canada and the sexual abuse scandal they’re in right now. Of course their not the only religion with a sexual abuse scandal, but their not immune to protecting predators. I don’t know enough about E

I loved him on Jimmy Schmidt! Plus, He’s so hot.

I would also take Iran in the time leading up to and during the fall of the Shah. Or any assortment of shows about the women pirates and warlords of SE Asia in previous centuries such as Ching Shih. Speaking of pirates, I would watch the hell out of a show about Grace O’Malley and her ilk.

Me too. But I trust them to ruin it all by casting Keira Knightley or Scarlett Johansson in it.

If someone can give me a period drama of pre-war rock and roll Cambodia, I'd give them all my goddamn money.