
Actually, two of them assaulted children not women.

Sorry. Is he suggesting that Amber Heard punched herself?

I’m having a hard time processing that the use of clothes in one’s wardrobe would be referred to as “recycling clothes.”

There’s a weird dichotomy in how stans like these think of the object of their obsession. On the one hand, she’s OMG QUEEN, someone they acknowledge to be strong, independent, and on top of the world. But somehow at the same time she is also completely vulnerable and incapable of defending herself from “attacks,” no

I guess if I’d been married for 40 years but miserable for the more recent years, maybe I'd be thinking that I don't want to continue the misery for the final years of my life? If you are in a good marriage, you are giving up a partner and friend for your remaining years. But if things aren't good, I don't know that

I would say it’s cool if you think YOUR behavior should change when YOU get pregnant. I’d say it’s less cool if you think MY behavior should change when I get pregnant.

“Frelee is the reason that I survived my naturopath,”

She accused Cassey Ho of promoting eating disorders along with some others. I don't think eating 50 bananas is a sound food decision but I like candy corn so I can't throw too many stones.

All these people condemning safe spaces under the auspices of intellectual openness have never really needed safe spaces. Try again when you’re POC, a woman etc ffs

I’m sorry your mom is Cersei, but please don’t go with “most,” which is BS. I debated sending this but had to because that is seriously insulting. A lot of Jewish mothers, many of whom are on this site, are absolutely terrific.

Too right! I can’t believe how far I had to scroll through the comments to find someone who thought this too!

But, people must know you and, by extension, know her. Now they know personal things about her. Now I know personal things about her because you chose this platform to share them.

I had a sexual assault incident when I was a teenager. I was on vacation with my family in Florida. I walked on a beach at night eating a candy bar. I was 15 looking for a party I was invited to earlier that day while sitting on the beach. No one was on the beach except a man was sitting at the edge of the water. He

No sympathy whatsoever. The first guy that you mention - the hair dresser admits that one option is to go out and have sex with a random girl. Maybe if he treated women as human emotional beings worthy of investing time and energy in getting to know instead of an “option” he wouldn’t be the single guy with a bunch of

Dear J. Crew,

Right? The immortal words of Nelson immediately rang in my ears.

It’s true, I’ll freely admit that. I coasted through two years of art school on my parent’s dime. I bought a house at 22, and part of my closing costs were paid for by my parents. I quit a horrible fucking job at 26 and was able to cash out a CD that had been taken out for me by my grandmother to get through the

While it is certainly frustrating when a service you pay for goes down temporarily, it is simply a fact of life that these things happen. Nobody is arguing that people dont have a right to be upset when they can’t access a service they are paying for. The point that the people you are trying to police all over this

Where was I reading about pay transparancy earlier today?

I always look for that line when I see near-academic Weezer take downs but it never seems to turn up!