I still like an IPA tho.
I still like an IPA tho.
if women were in charge 100% we would have figured out a way for men to have babies by now.
Yeah wow what the actual hell
yeah, gotcha. i have never had fibroids so that’s not something I’m familiar with, but I’m sure it’s not an easy road. Good luck, I hope that your doctor and you find something that works!
yeah! i too have been on the receiving end of it, and usually it culminates in feeling pressured to explain my health circumstances, which is private. that’s why i’m pro-sharing all sides, because it helps people learn sensitivity.
yeah i’ve had a couple friends have great success at treating cysts with mirena because of the hormonal component. due to my particular situation, a hormonal IUD wasn’t a workable option so I opted for paragard. it’s important for people to share their experiences because it often feels like IUDs are sold with this…
wow that sucks. i’m so sorry.
oh i know, and everyone should speak to doctors because we are all different. but also, unfortunately, women are not always given enough info or encouraged to ask questions regarding reproductive health. and that can be overlooked sometimes, especially when a solution is ‘hot’ or at the political forefront like IUDs…
interesting. were you in pain both times, or found it totally tolerable both times?
ugh i’m so sorry. it’s crazy how, despite the wonders of modern medicine, it’s still like pulling teeth to get anyone to pay attention to basic female health complaints. like, we can build people in petri dishes, but somehow a woman shows up in pain seeking BC alternatives gets a shrug and a ‘meh, that’s the best we…
are you interested in a hormonal IUD like Mirena, or a copper option such as Paragard? I had a Paragard for a year (it didn’t end up being a good option for me because of some health issues). I am quite good with pain, and I found the insertion nearly unbearable. Even the internet seems to agree that Paragard sucks on…
i appreciate this article, but i wish that jezebel would do a better job covering some of the potential risks of IUDs and different perspectives on the matter. because right now this coverage has really excluded large groups of women.
yeahhhppp. statistics = looking at data to find patterns and then making projections based on that. it’s pretty hard to analyze data that doesn’t exist, which is the case if someone’s opinions are changing up until the moment they fill out their ballot.
i know this is old, but i have to weigh in because i work in this industry.
I bet it’s got more to do with being a shite job that she is no longer willing to tolerate with the possibility of more dumb dude vibes.
oh yes. when i told one close friend about this she motioned for me to give her a high five. i was like “i get what you’re trying to do but please don’t force me to be anything but pissed for like, five seconds.”
I am so sorry for you. I wouldn’t have shared this but after hearing yours...
Ok guy. You wanna do this? I’ll do it.
Born and raised and never left? Buddy, that makes you the worst kind of hick.
Uhhhh.....I get cold-pressed, unpasteurized tart cranberry juice with no added sugar and zero chemicals at Whole Foods. It’s very possible. Ripe, Lakewood and Knudsen also do unsweetened organic versions.