
Meh, it’s easier for media to criticize an untalented white guy than a mediocre black guy. And it’s also true - away from SNL Che is an okay comedian, but what little jost has done outside of snl has been pretty clearly bad (see: Staten Island summer).

Not really. They have a long history of being provocative and this is a strong point for them from a ratings perspective.  In terms of alienating talent, Update is anchored by two cast members and generally has less host involvement. Plus, snl is plainly just carries more clout than most of its hosts. It would

Oh agreed. “Phoning it in” doesn’t even describe it. As far as I’m concerned Colin Jost is the human equivalent of a walking plastic bag of milk, and Michael Che continues to go downhill. His stand up is legitimately funny and he seemed so promising at one point, but all his dumb comments about the election and rape

weekend update is easily the worst part of SNL right now and Colin and Michael are easily the worst anchors ever.

I theoretically hate everything about that librarian sketch, but I was still into it.

I think there’s also some finality to being married that only sets in once you’re there. Even if you’ve been dating for years, there’s still an absence of finality in that you always have the option to opt out. Marriage is for LIFE! Plus weddings are such a to-do, it’s easy to get caught up in the wedding excitement

my sophomore year roommate listened to ONLY billy joel and michael buble. and when I say “only” I am not exaggerating. and she listened to music every day for hours without headphones.

Oh god dude totally. I probably threw 5x more money down the drain that way, because nothing really worked well.

Oh god dude totally. I probably threw 5x more money down the drain that way, because nothing really worked well.

yeah. it’s v. pricy, and I’m not rich, but i do make a point to account for that expense. i use a lot of drug store brands when it comes to other products, but for me personally good-looking skin is the basis for looking good in general. This s***t delivers.

yeah. it’s v. pricy, and I’m not rich, but i do make a point to account for that expense. i use a lot of drug store

i find that some cosmetics (lipsticks, mascara) are pretty interchangeable between price points. foundation is not one of them. once you invest in high-end foundation, there is no going back. i probably buy 2 bottles of this stuff a year and it’s worth it. all things considered, if takes $120 per year to walk out of

i find that some cosmetics (lipsticks, mascara) are pretty interchangeable between price points. foundation is not

this shit is jam. i KNOW it’s pricy. but there is no dupe in the world that approaches. like i love me some drug store makeup, but arguing that Maybelline FIT performs as well as armani silk is like arguing that a philly cheesesteak hotpocket tastes just like a prime rib. 

this shit is jam. i KNOW it’s pricy. but there is no dupe in the world that approaches. like i love me some drug

Wow. I’m sorry to hear that. People capable of hitting animals terrify me to no end.

I would agree with you if not for the fact that Angelina filed for full physical custody of her kids. This is rather uncommon, and implies that she has a case for why brad should not be raising the children. My money would be that whatever happened has to do with a parenting concern, not a concern of infidelity.

Yeah ISIS is the current HBO of terror cells. You don’t take credit for local access programming when you’re HBO.

Sounds like amateur hour.

Safe space...many of my Brooklyn friends (many of whom live off or near the L train) have been subtly shading my area for years. Despite the fact that it’s far more affordable, a heck of a lot easier on a midtown work commute, and generally just awesome and better. When that L train news came out it was everything I

Mmm...I dunno. As a former Chicagoan who also lived in LA and is now pushing a decade in NYC I have found cities are very, very different and the amenities here are substantial without even realizing it.

Yeah let’s keep this hood poor and dangerous and unattractive to white upper middle class folks, two both things it definitely, DEFINITELY is right now.
