
Honestly, I don't know anything about baseball politics and I don't know what their implication was in this article. I just found it slightly odd that they assume he's going to hand over the info. If the source is trustworthy here, then that makes me assume there has to be some kind of settlement in place. Right?

I think 'lie to cover his ass' refers to the part where this article assumes he'll definitely spill. It implicates him and all his fucking huge and wealthy and powerful stars if he does. You never know what people are capable of in terms of revenge.

Agreed. I feel like when someone describes a guy as a "charmer" it denotes an air of calculation. To me there's a sure difference between someone who is innately kind and talkative and a person who is acting that way for a specific purpose. The latter feels less trustworthy. If you pay attention they are

nah. just musing over the fact that these women are either the luckiest to not have to plan things or the least lucky to have less say.

i'm not talking about the fact that this is chassidic wedding, i'm talking about the fact that a wedding of this political/communal magnitude is essentially more an impacting event for the sect as a whole than it is just a wedding - ie, more than the bride and groom. kinda like how there's no way Kate Middleton had

guaranteed this bride had almost NO say if any at all in the planning of this wedding.

totes agreed. not that hard to purchase 1-2 pairs of well-fitted jeans or slacks, a couple decent dresses, and a week's worth of blazer/embellished shirt/collared shirt combos. i a) lived for most of my life in the midwest b) work at a fucking late night tv show where anyone in a remotely creative position is

This is and isn't true. I'm saying that the bigger broadcast networks DO offer the most money generally speaking (because they can) and DO have the tightest control over what content is produced. They are that way because they are non-cable and have the widest audience, and their sponsorship earns them the most money.

This is true. The fact is that the money is better if you sign on with a Big 4 network, and the audience is bigger. Unfortunately in TV creative control is usually indirectly proportionate to how much money you're making and how wide your exposure is. That's why young comics think they've hit gold with a network TV

"Whitney was like Parks and Rec in that it employed actual people who make their living being funny, but cultivated a Two and a Half Men traditional sitcom (read: uglier) aesthetic." - You seem to say this in context as if the last part of that sentence is a paltry excuse to why the show failed. Television is about

There are certainly people who take spinning to a culty extreme. Enter SoulCycle fanatics. There's certainly an inner community there of people who take it beyond a workout and make it part of their social world. I get what you're saying, though. At least even at an 'elite' facility a spin class seems like an

I would almost say that Don has changed, though, in the sense that he's lost his ability to keep in-step with the changes in the world around him. I can't tell if that's because we know him better now after six seasons than we did in season one, but it seems he's been on a slow path of self-destruction ever since, and

no i read it that way first too.

That's because religion (as an institution) is inherently deeply rooted in the creation and maintenance of boundaries. it's divisive. Spirituality does not require the observation of religious law.

oh god, like that time your boyfriend of multiple years takes you out to tell you that it is over, then a few months later you find out it's actually because he'd met someone while on an unpaid indie film shoot (in MEXICO) and btw they are moving in together. WOOOOOOOO! fuckin' jobless douchetard. i hear he's a

I just had a similar situation. Do not respond. If he calls you threatening to hurt himself, respond by letting one of his friends know. If it turns out he was faking the threat to get your attention/playing off the rules of human decency, then continue not to respond and have your father/older brother/friend on the

I agree. It just seems like such a sad commentary that she'd have to go to that extent to get a response to a request that minimal, especially given that she battled a serious medical disease that kills up to 20% of sufferers. It also goes to show that discomfort and tension around healthcare facilities with weight

is it just my opinion, or is she also rather plain looking, face-wise?

I agree. As I mentioned in a response to the above comment, I know for myself that I only get weighed when I go in for a physical or annual exam of some kind, I assume as a matter of protocol. I am on BC, and I know that for most commonly prescribed medications you'd get from a GP there is a fair amount of leeway for

I get what you're saying, but keep in mind that requesting they not read the number or to ask to turn around would also involve the same explanation. It happens during checkups usually. I mean, I know from my own experience that my practitioners only weigh me at a yearly physical/annual OB/GYN exam.