such a travesty

Not mad, dying laughing here. I was so going to write DUDE, NO after the Hulk Hogan trial but was pleasantly surprised.

So can we all just admit at this point that Assange is just Putin’s tool to wreck democracy?

And Mayim was amazing and totally believable as a young Bette.

I am sure this is perfectly lovely but if I want to watch Beaches I will, you know, watch Beaches.

Jess (post evolution out of his teenage jerk phase) is perfect and the best and I would want to date him.

YES and I cannot for the life of me figure out why ANYONE would ever want/choose Dean with his simple ass and his trashy-looking mug. That dude is not and has never been good-looking and I just DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE OBSESSION. Yeah, come at me Supernatural fans. Actually don’t, fuck off, y’all can have his ass.

TBH, I feel like the money that Jill Stein is raising would have been better spent on Foster Campbell’s campaign.

Yeah, I’m with the men on this one. How is criticizing her for what she said sexist. They didn’t say, “Hey a lady shouldn’t talk back to her boss.”

I have found myself browsing CVS stores on occasion. That store is a smorgasbord of useless shit that’s fun to gawk at.

HOW does he think there is any way he won the popular vote? He is somehow claiming that he totally legitimately won, but also that it was rigged.

I can tell you that “Inbred People Playing with Knives, Ends Poorly For the Ginger One” is something that happens around my white family quite often.

As someone who has been unemployed for nearly 2 years now I just wanted to chime in and say that it isn’t always that easy to find a job when people consider you “overqualified” for a lot of things. I have a PhD and so many employers reject my application thinking that I am, I don’t know, too intellectual or whatever.

My god, when Paris kicked the door of the bathroom shut. I haven’t laughed like that in weeks.

This is super fucking nerdy, but a massive continuity error. I am basically the exact same age as Rory. Both born in late October 1984. The show takes place in late 2015/2016. They keep mentioning she’s 32.

None of the above.

Glad the Dems aren’t wasting money on this. Should be pouring all the liberal money into winning Louisiana

Instead of cream cheese I would go with using the leftover Aldi goat cheese with cranberry (if you were smart enough to buy an extra one because otherwise there won’t be any left).

I’m through two episodes so far and am happy to report that it’s orders of magnitude better than Season 7.