such a travesty

Thinking about it — or at least getting training on how to use a gun.

Yeah, I’ve always had the suspicion that there is something deeper going on. His erratic behavior — going allll the way back to 2004 and the AMAs — suggests some hardcore paranoia, and some mania.

Person-first language! What’s interesting is that I kind of just picked this up from spending a lot of time around advocates for persons with disabilities — I noticed how they referred to clients and such. I didn’t know it was called person-first language until we hired a few new people at my civil rights

I had to call for one in college for a friend. She was sending Instant Messages (yes! AIM!) to her boyfriend with some pretty suicidal thoughts and threats of self-harm, and he didn’t know what to do, called me, so I packed my shit up at the library and hauled ass across campus to her place. She wouldn’t let me in to

Le sigh.

I wonder if this (and the Starbucks thing) are poorly executed attempts at recreating the Boston Tea Party. Poor in that they clearly forgot that back then, the colonists jumped on a ship and destroyed the product BEFORE purchasing it.

I need to see this. Desperately.

can’t find any news on this — do you have a link?

Sigh. I am trying to decide if I should move from the nonprofit world to HUD. I had been planning to do it, but Trump really freaks me out and makes me wonder whether my skill set will be of better use out here, fighting for fair housing. It’s a really difficult decision in that my plan was to go work on

Perfect example of “Look, I have X friends, so I can’t be [insert form of bigotry here].”


Refuse to. Also, CBS is so irresponsible for not airing the “stop it” he told his supporters re:hate crimes earlier this week. It was a weak rebuke, but it was a rebuke that should have been aired and not held onto until Sunday night.

The logic is just not there. Also, has anyone pointed out to him yet that the cartels are building TUNNELS to get drugs/people into the US? Walls don’t stop tunnels.

Whoever is your local fair housing organization. We fight housing discrimination, which is still pretty rampant, but will likely get worse. We also expect massive budget cuts (most of us are funded through HUD’s FHIP program and HUD’s CDBG grants). We also expect to see a tougher time getting administrative remedies,

If you can’t get to mom, get to the daughter! I plan to indoctrinate my soon-to-be-born nephew since his mom is a twit (no clue why my brother married her).

Yessss. I started breaking out Tuesday. I have the BIGGEST cystic acne zit on my jaw. It is so painful and I am trying to leave it alone so it doesn’t scar. And then I have other zits — stress zits enraged by stress eating.

Basically. My stomach gets all fucked up when I’m anxious or stressed out. As I watched the returns come in on Tuesday night, my stomach started cramping, and it hasn’t gone away yet. Probably doesn’t help that I am also a stress eater, which exacerbates everything else.

What I also find super disgusting about this is that she is adorning safety pins with specific identifiers. Like, MY safety pin is for LGBTQ people, and MY safety pin is for black people, and MINE is for Muslims, etc. It was adopted as a symbol of solidarity against ALL hate and oppression, not just against one group.

She is not an ethnic Jew, and lived almost all of her life as a non-Jew. She does not understand antisemitism.

Except it looks like that for the most part, the protests are happening in cities/states that went for HRC.