
Get what? That it’s a movie and that it’s OK to not like it? And it’s OK for some people to like? And if you didn’t like it, you can just move on and go about your life because it’s a fucking movie! Or if you don’t like TLJ consume any other number of Star Wars media because there is a damn near endless stream of it

I have one questions for the folks behind this “remake.”


Maybe they should make a film about Sith Lords getting stuck in a shopping center on Coruscant. I personally would love to see Maulrats.

Yeah, that disqualifier is pretty dumb. That ep is a classic. “Stick up for yourself, poindexter!”

Maybe the list should have been titled “Simpsons destination episodes,” because yeah, Summer of 4 Ft. 2 is the definitive “vacation” episode.

Krusty brand imitation gruel. 9/10 orphans can’t tell the difference.

“I thought we were america’s scrod basket.”

“I thought we were america’s scrod basket.”

I’d say that Kamp Krusty should qualify as a vacation episode as well, screw the qualifier. I mean it IS a summer camp.

I think it’s incredibly sad how that sentiment has more or less erased them from popular culture.

It’s been 20 years and some of my friends and I will still end a story with, “And that’s when the CHUDs came at me.”

“Hi... ummm... let me have some of those porno magazines... large box of condoms... a couple of those panty shields, and some illegal fireworks, and one of those disposable enemas. Ehhh... make it two.”

Same here: and the 1970's NYC that Homer remembers is SO awesome and dead on. That clip before the CHUDs got him is pretty much my memory of NYC as a kid in the 70's and 80's.

You got the dud!

The NYC episode has no “uncomfortable” gags. It hearkens back to a time when the Twin Towers were simply a part of the American landscape and not the touchstone for a national tragedy of massive scope. Watching that episode makes me happy in a way I can’t describe.

Well, since the qualifier for this “The Simpsons Vacation Episodes, Ranked” piece excludes the excellent “Summer of 4 ft 2" and “Itchy and Scratchy Land” episodes and somehow allows for the entirely un-vacation “Homer and Apu” episode with a 60 second trip to a mountain in India, I submit that this sentence is far too

The disclaimer is stupid. “The Summer of 4 foot 2" and “Itchy and Scratchy land” are better than all but a few on this list. Hell they are some of the best episodes the show has done. Why come up with an arbitrary reason to leave them off? Did we really need to include “Fland Canyon” instead?

Was expecting to see it at #1. Granted, I haven’t seen the last 15 seasons or so.

I’m not good with episode titles, but I did not see the one where they spend the summer at Flanders’ beach house and Lisa makes new friends. That’s a great one.