
Are you a Weeping Angel?

“Do you expect me to talk?”

Strong Belwas was bad ass !!! Liver and Onions Bitch !! Gotta love it when he beheads that prancing fool, loots the corpse, then promptly raises his ass and shits at the people watching from the walls... fricken almost choked when I read that line.

Yes. To add to that, missing out on several people’s continued journeys through the Riverlands really robs us of understanding just what a hellscape this war has created outside walled cities. Jaime, Brienne and the Hound all have long journeys through the landscape that leave you with an understanding that, outside

If the Dorne subplot still had Oberyn in it, it would not suck.

I would watch the everloving fuck out of a movie about Bronn, James Bronn.

i dont think they mean have Sansa literally be Stoneheart, just embody her. Have Sansa gain some power and become thirsty for revenge that it blinds her to everything else.

I think Jamie in Dorne was the right call for the show, Oberyn just died, they have Myrcella, that should be urgent. We needed more from Dorne this season. Right now, it comes off as these characters are only here for what they will do the next two seasons, not this season. We needed another Sand Snake scene

I think the worst part about Dorne was when Jamie/Bronn and the Sand Snakes all just so happened upon Myrcella at the same time when she was smooching her boyfriend. That just screamed of really lazy writing.

I disagree about the Greyjoys. While the Kingsmoot could have been axed, showing viking type force raping and pillaging towns along the coast not to mention pirating merchant vessels on the sea was missed. Asha seeing what has become of her brother would have been great as well.

It's been bad so far, but I think Siddig will save it before the end of the season and get things in motion.

I still have hope for Dorne since they really haven't unleashed Alexander Siddig yet.

I wish Patchface was on the show.

Yeah, I don’t get that either. Hubby and I watched it a few years ago, and it was still as scary for me now as when I was 10.

“This movie wasn’t half bad.”

I’ve seen a few random comments about how the original hasn’t aged well, and I don’t get that complaint. The original holds up quite well, even with some of the special effects being a bit more clunky than they’d be today, and the general theme (I’ve always thought the whole movie was a comment on media in general and

Those sons of bitches! They left the name and only got rid of the enjoyment didn’t they?! They only got rid of the enjoyment!

Aww man, that is a real shame.