
I'm pretty sure that was Renly's campaign slogan.

And Maggy the Frog is Alice Munro from Last of the Mohicans (the younger daughter who walks off the cliff). Coincidence.....? ;)

Stannis is about as appealing as a fart in an elevator.

So you're saying...

Using Fezzini's logic ... the answer is: the beautiful queen is actually Brienne!

As always, Charlie Jane, I am almost as excited by the return of your recaps as I am by the return of the show.

Hopefully the Brienne and Podrick tour continues though.

One of the things I love about Game of Thrones is how all the prophecies seem clearly to reference Daeneryes, but because she's a bit distant, everyone things they reference someone else, and completely fouls things up because of it.

I'm sad that we lost the Arya-Hound buddy comedy, but we seem to be in good hands with Tyrion-Varys!

We've heard it pretty much every time Marvel's Avengers have been on the big screen. People point to Hawkeye and Black Widow and insist, "They shouldn't be here." Because what superhero team needs two normal humans?

Has anyone other than trolls said BW and Hawkeye don't belong in the Avengers? Because I always assumed we were all cool with it (other than Hawkeye's strangely nigh-infinite supply of arrows that only run out at a comic relief moment).

I like your Sansa humor.

It's a stark contrast to her usual looks.

Well what do you all think? Arya into it?

You don't want the one on the right, it's got a bad motivator. the Holodeck you can still do your art and philosophy

"Olympus Mons. If transplanted to the earth, this monster mountain would cover the state of Nebraska"

Thank god for those red arrows. I would have missed the giant freaking spaceships otherwise.