
Star Wars Episode VII - Cool Hand Luke


I think some spoilers are forgivable, especially if we're talking puns, and you don't get heavy handed with it.

I wanted so badly to do a hand pun, but I thought it might count as a spoiler.

Suggestion for article title 'If The Star Wars Rumours Are True, I Gotta Hand It To Them'.

Did you catch Legend of the Seeker based on the Terry Goodkind books? i miss that show, only ran for 2 seasons.. such a shame. The production was from Sam Raimi so it was very much like Xena and Herc.

"Only the Sith deal in absolutes."

Due South! I bet they could even get Paul Gross and Callum Keith Rennie back at least in come capacity (always had an affinity for Ray K).

I would vote for Land of the Lost. The first 2 seasons were great sci-fi, and although I enjoyed the slapstick Will Ferrell movie version on its own merits, I think it would do well with some serious talent behind it.

I'll see your Dungeons and Dragons and raise you...

Legend of the Seeker. Probably not a favorite. But I want a closure to this story. Even just a season more. Or two. :)

Just wanted to vote that Zim is by far my most favorite incompetent invader. He and Dibb are classic examples of people who overthink a problem.

Yeah! I said it! Zod wanted to turn earth into a new krypton instead of adapting fully to earth as is and becoming totally super powered like Kal. What?

WHAT!!! HOW DARE YOU INSULT ZIIIIMMMM!!!! Err ummm no fellow human there is no invasion. OH LOOK!!! DIB'S HEAD IS SOOOO BIGGGG!!! WHY IS IT SO BIG???!!!!

Aww come on! Including Zim on this list is like kicking a guy after he's already been pushed down a very long flight of stairs.

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"My name is John Crichton, an astronaut. Three years ago, I got shot through a wormhole. I'm in a distant part of the universe, aboard this living ship of escaped prisoners... my friends. I've made enemies. Powerful, dangerous. Now, all I want is to find a way home... to warn Earth. Look upwards, and witness the

I have the same problem, and I'm 100% convinced it's because I didn't try to read them until I was older. I think if Tolkien is the first fantasy you're exposed to, or among the first, it's a lot more likely to grab you.