S. Panda

Al Dente dose not mean finished. Al dente is a point where the noodle is not quite finished cooking. You normally would do your noodles al dente if you where gonna cook them a second time, as in putting them in to a casserole and baking them.

Directly from the country of pasta. Method #1 is correct, only some flaws. First. Salt must be put in just after it starts boiling, after you stir a bit to mix salt in water. After you put pasta in. Second. After the first couple of minutes stirring is absolutely not continuous, otherwise water will prevent from

Exactly! Especially when they advertise 60 second pasta, but it takes an hour and a half to prep!

That's not 60 second pasta. That's 91 minute pasta. Soaking it for an hour and a half counts for the time it takes to make it.

So the "60 second" pasta takes an hour and a half, plus boiling time, THEN 60 seconds.