
As a mobile dev I have to own a Mac and frankly I love it. It seriously took me a while to get accustomed to OSX but in terms of quality of hardware (industrial design I mean) it is the best and I also am enjoying the operating system more than windows. I do wish there were more games available but I do have my

This had to be at GDC Next or some other Game Dev con. All the signs are there, the free tote bags you get, the giant booklet they give you with all of the panels, and most importantly the badge.

Played this at IndieCade with the devs, really cool guys and I'm glad they can finally release it!

Wait... did they say something about online play? :D

That rat has 8 HP with an armor class of 15 and a +3 Inititive! Careful it has a special ability called Disease and can do a base attack for 1D4! What do you do?

I got diamonds on the brain?

Maybe I'm the only one but I don't really like any of them.

Vamanos pest is in the wrong place, they filmed that down the street from me near Gibson. Also one of the hospitals is on Gibson.

They did! Lol

I don't where I read it but there was a theory that says Ash is forever 10 because he dies from Mew's and Mewtwo's blast in the first movie and then resurrected from the tears of the pokemon and that those tears perpetually keep him in that state or something about the initial blast. Something like that.

Is the situation that Emily is currently experiencing reflect what a writer such as yourself Patricia has to deal with for your work?

I think they're just future proofing their facebook page. Doesn't really seem too odd to me.

"Oh hey look it's Pikachu" = Insta buy quote.


I played later Dragon Quest games but I didn't grow up with an NES so I didn't get the Dragon Warriors game unfortunately. I plan on getting that soon since it's relatively cheap and easy to find.

I'm not saying it's bad, just saying what happened the first time I played the game. Haven't gotten back to it yet but it's on my short list of games to play this year.

Pokkén? Pokemon + Tekken crossover?

The only demo I played a ton of was Phantasy Star Online for Xbox 360 because I didn't want to pay monthly fees. I think the demo had more people online then the actual game for the same reason.

I don't think realistic is the right term.