Just want to plug a friends game called In The Pit on Xbox Live Indie Games that plays using only sound.
Just want to plug a friends game called In The Pit on Xbox Live Indie Games that plays using only sound.
Slow pace? Dark? Limited ammo? I've missed you survival horror! :D
Hire these people!
Thing is, they're putting all the processing power to rendering the graphics. On a console it will have to deal with input from the player, physics, AI, scripted events, etc. I'm still excited but I'm not going to hold my breath for something like this right away. It will take a lot of optimization and competent…
Finally Nintendo is doing online right! Just don't screw it up with friendcodes D:
Is it just me or is that Princess Leia as a Pokemon trainer?
New movies at the theatre are 15$. Getting them on bluray 30$. Getting them on bluray 3d is 60$ all for an an hour and thirty minutes to three hour film. I would say that 15$ is pretty reasonable especially for something thats so beautiful and fun.
Yes, in the manual for Zelda 2 it explains that every daughter is to be named Zelda. But it's somewhat odd seeing that it is at the end of a timeline :S eh details
I would buy day one if it came out here!
*sigh* They just don't need it! One of the best FPS's I played for this past generation is Metroid Prime Hunters online, which didn't need dual analogs. I understand why they're doing this, with Vita doing it and all but still. It should play to its strengths that it already has and just get more software!
I don't think thats a man.... it's a horse!
@Kovitlac: The DS and its family hardware will not be able to support the 3DS' software due to the graphical difference between the two. The graphics are closer to a Game Cube in laymans views and the DS does not have the hardware required to push out those pixels. From what I understand from the E3 conference is that…
I am somewhat offended by what the woman said, "It's just a video game", as if video games as a whole are a lesser medium of entertainment. She says this as if video games should be looked down upon and not respected as an upcoming art medium.
First day buy for me!
Ok so I do get the awesomeness of this trailer but in seeing this it makes me wonder if they're spending more time on the animation for the trailer or the actual game?
This has to be one of the geekiest references I ever pulled but Link DOES TALK in one instance in Wind Waker.
@Demoskinos: Me I got it as an impulse buy mostly cause of the map building really. I love that Blizzard gives you the actual tools they use to create content. Yes RTS for me is fun also but I can see where you're coming from. It's like watching sports instead of playing them.
No wonder its taking forever! They're all playing WoW!
@Orionsaint: You have a very backwards mind for game design. Yes you could easily do the exact same thing with buttons but what Nintendo is doing is bringing a realism that does not involve HD graphics through movement. Sure you may not have to do the huge sword movements nor would you want to for the entire game but…