
I think you need to review what the 'auto' means in 'autobiography'.

Crusher, go open up a copy of Ben Franklin's autobiography. One of our own founding fathers was boning women left and right, and most of them were definitely NOT saving themselves for marriage.Your idea of '50 years ago' didn't exist 50, 200 or 2000 years ago.

Crusher, go open up a copy of Ben Franklin's autobiography. One of our own founding fathers was boning women left and right, and most of them were definitely NOT saving themselves for marriage.Your idea of '50 years ago' didn't exist 50, 200 or 2000 years ago.

"Trick of the Light" by The Who?

"Trick of the Light" by The Who?

Then there was a porno parody: Longer.
The guy gets cursed after banging the gypsy's daughter. It seems like a blessing at first, until it starts dragging out the bottom of his pant leg and getting slammed in the car door.

Then there was a porno parody: Longer.
The guy gets cursed after banging the gypsy's daughter. It seems like a blessing at first, until it starts dragging out the bottom of his pant leg and getting slammed in the car door.

Chuck Cunningham. His early work was absolutely brilliant, but as the show went on it's like he just… vanished.

Chuck Cunningham. His early work was absolutely brilliant, but as the show went on it's like he just… vanished.

I don't actually dislike this painting.  I'd have to see the real thing in person to decide if I'd actually want it in my house, but the thumbnail here isn't all that bad.

I don't actually dislike this painting.  I'd have to see the real thing in person to decide if I'd actually want it in my house, but the thumbnail here isn't all that bad.

I guess Al Franken's going to have to start losing weight.

I guess Al Franken's going to have to start losing weight.

"Mark Wahlberg possesses a childlike sweetness that makes it surprisingly easy to believe…"

"Mark Wahlberg possesses a childlike sweetness that makes it surprisingly easy to believe…"

From Whedon's latest interview: "Yes, she's on an island, just walking around barefoot all day. Sand trickling between her unshod toes… sunlight glinting off polished nails, so… so nice… I'm sorry, what was that you were asking about Thor 2 again?

A sacred chao.

No mention of "Too Tired to Die"? She plays Death, fer cripes sake! Interesting film, one of the few roles where she gets to speak Mandarin.

I only saw Whoopi's show once (it was on around 1am), but thought it was pretty good. Still, the episode was just Rutger Hauer shooting the breeze for an entire hour, so the host could have been Corky from "Life Goes On" and it still would have been awesome.

In no particular order: