
Way back when we bought our 02 Forester, we dealt with the fleet manager at a local Subie dealer. He was great, no haggling, and the finance person asked how we got it so cheap when we filled out the paperwork. (Her parents did not get as good a deal.)

That’s what Minneapolis needs: Sunlamps in the skyways. Downtown has the human habitrail system, but fuck if anyone is downtown on weekends.

It was the “you know” that drove my wife nuts on her 16v GTI. Damn thing ate the electric relays like candy.

Exactly. I said “They found Jacob” to my wife when the news broke this weekend and I started to cry. As a father, I cannot imagine the grief.

This sounds about right. My dad has had a few people come by looking for barn boards from their barn, but the only thing he every sold was the old hay trolley to an Amish farmer. Something like this:

Throwing corn into the yard? Good heavens, why? A squirrel fetish?Was it at least sweet corn and you could get a tasty meal out of it?

Oh God. Those neighbors.

“Lake Elmo City council”and shit show are synonymous. That is some craziness there.

This comment makes me think something else is going on.

How about some jalapeno bacon? Yum.

In preparing our house for sale in Minnesota, I was reading for ideas on what a local inspector looks for when they inspect properties. I created a list of items to look for when touring homes, and I found items to check and fix on our house before we listed.

Very, very true and an excellent point.

Ha! My sister and her high school friends survived a rollover because they were packed in like sardines. Four in the front, four in the back, and no seatbelts.

HAHAHA! 1976 was a funny and amazing time.

Damn grills. I was in the left turn lane last year and some idiot had his Weber grill upright in his pick-up. He took off from the light and it went went right over the side-complete with smoking hot coals- and into incoming traffic lanes.

No biking for me after drinking. I’ve had enough bike accidents in my life, no need to add more stitches or broken bones to the collection!

No, it’s the Surly we have for breakfast!

No, it’s the Tim Pawlenty no-taxes hangover combined with early summer heat. I94 north out of downtown Minneapolis is another favorite spot for this when the summer heat hits. Then they do a crummy job fixing the problem and the car suspension takes a beating.