Last time I was in a Mini, I had a paranoid delusion there was 28 white people in it.
Last time I was in a Mini, I had a paranoid delusion there was 28 white people in it.
My wife has a W124 Mercedes. It's an automatic, but I still feel like a (reasonably) lucky man.
Clearly, they're going to run the border. And it will be not at all staged whatsoever. Those Texas border patrol agents shooting at them will be in no way laughing up their sleeves.
Always been a Pinzgauer fan.
U no good cotomer sevis...
His Renault 5 Turbo from 1983.
What were the cars chasing him? Peugeots of some description?
I feel the tone of this discussion is too intellectual. So I'd like to mention that earlier this year I underwent a CT scan, and I pooped in the machine.
Very nice stories. I could watch this for a while.
Avoid traffic. Stop & go is the biggest drain on fuel efficiency for commuters and residential drivers. No matter what driving style you use to try to compensate for it. You're just fooling yourself. Find a rat run and a commute time that lets you use constant throttle as much as possible, or build a subway.
If I'm not mistaken, it was Rollie Free riding John Edgar's bike in the notorious speedo.
Hee hee hee. Now I'm going to do that forever.
As Jalopnik's resident linguist, yes, that is a craptacular sentence. But the syntax is not necessarily to blame. It's perfectly grammatical, just nonsensical (unless you believe that Sebastian Vettel is an event. He is not). I suspect the writer just changed plans in the middle of the sentence and failed to…
Last time I was in a Renault Clio, I had a paranoid delusion there was 19 people in it.
In German, it does (more or less) rhyme with 'simmer.' And that's where the 'bimmer' spelling comes from. I typically pronounce it that way, though it confuses everybody else.
I drive through #2 not infrequently, to get to the Sunset. I've never found it to be that bad. I'm usually there early in the morning or late at night on weekends, though.
The Lotus. Because Lotus. And you had me at 'manual.'
I'unno; first of all, I own a programmable thermostat, and that's a real robot.
One of my dream cars, and the condition seems good. I've seen them for less money, but this seems like a good middle-of-the-pack price, at least in my area. And a junkyard dashboard and a nice aftermarket wheel wouldn't add too much.
Yep; tires.