
The "cheap cars" thing is true in places where cheap cars are really really cheap. Like the third world. Hoons there treat cars like rentals even if they own them.

Why can't we hear the co-driver? One of my favorite things about rally videos is listening to people shouting in Finnish. I've learned that "minos" appears to be the Finnish word for "minus." Or possibly "Oh, fuck; we're going to die."

I would happily drive a Caterham through the winter. It would have to be a Super 7, because I am somehow awfully tall by Caterham standards. I'm 6'3", which is I think 190 commie metric dealiebops, and 5.4 vertical stone, for our English colleagues at the Caterham factory. Please send me one in green.

Ordinarily true. But it's my anniversary. Somehow this makes not going out and paying for things inappropriate.

A cafe called.... ummmm... google google... 'Morning Due' on 17th and Church in San Francisco. Had some knock-off version of eggs Benedict that had bacon and grilled tomatoes instead of ham. It was overall quite good.

I don't have a daughter, but I just made some phone calls to find out where my daughter is.

Seriously? As awesome things for a Sunday morning go, NASCAR takes some beating, but you just put it up against bacon.

I remember one of his stories that he showed his McLaren F1 at a show once, and two "sketchy" (read: black) characters spent some time talking about it with him, and eventually asked for a ride. He gave them one, and gave the car a bootful in a tunnel to show off the sound and the acceleration and whatnot. Picked up

GAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!! I missed this because I was having brunch and then sitting in the park, because my wife wanted to do that.

Then remove homologation rules, claiming you're thereby reducing regulations, but concurrently dramatically increase other regulations, claiming the cars are dangerous and expensive. Then factories have a disincentive to build race-quality cars and teams have to spend more money to meet regulations, and the

You are cited for the crime of being from Woodside. Your penalty is to have your children's Mercedes' leases voided, and the gold plating on the chandelier in your McMansion's foyer will be reverse electroplated and sold to pay for the paper your citation was written on.

It lights the mosquito coil.

We used to call unmarked white vans "stabbin' cabins."

Has the FIA ever touched anything that it didn't ruin forever?

So much better than TSA screenings...

Wouldn't a meth-head get a 1963 VW Beetle for free, then take it entirely apart, putting down bedsheets on the garage floor and tracing each part in magic marker so it would have its place in the organization, then hit the low after failing to score for two days and never go into the garage again?

Yeah; it seems like depending on how you interpret the question, there can be only two answers:

Yeah, it's 1999 again, but worse, as only technology can make it. Every car that used to look distinctive now looks like a cockroach and comes only in a shade of silver called "beige," with patented Nev-R-Interesting technology as a standard feature. Also, the build quality is much lower than when the car made its

One word...

Hey! I was in the hospital a couple weeks ago. What awesome car do I get a ride in?