
Ditto, except 12 years.

Yeah, and his resume is in entertainment editing. You'd think a free market guy would bother to consider that educated consumers don't want the technology he's shilling, and it's damaging to the industry (just look at the reviews of iDrive, for example). I think this is just a 'government interference bad' knee-jerk

You had me until 'reggae.'

This is frankly, an oddly polemical reaction to LaHood's war on distracted driving. It definitely seems like it wasn't written by a car guy. The worst thing that has happened to people who enjoy driving in the recent decade has been the proliferation of menu-based, non-tactile controls. I won't drive anything where

I think my favorite DW commentary was when Michael won the Daytona 500, and DW tried to stay professional, but the last couple laps he was just pressed up against the glass saying "go, mikey, go, mikey..."

I would do anything for a fast 510, but I won't do that.

My song used to be "Thrill of it All" by Black Sabbath.

This is good advice. I got to drive from SF to Orange County and back weekend after next, so I'm actually interested. Fortunately I have two passengers, who may share some driving. And my wife usually brings fruit. Which reminds me, dried fruit should be included under the "fresh fruit" heading as well, because it

Dude, if it comes in Portuguese Orange, I want one for real.

Except that I want that now, very badly.

Shouldn't this read:

I have to agree with the Duesenberg people. I can't think of anything that was so far ahead of whatever was number 2 for that decade. Jay Leno has said that he'd drive a Duesenberg every day if they weren't worth so damn much, and it would be just like driving a modern car.

My car gets 40 rods to the hogshead, and that's the way I likes it.

People who live in countries where gas is outrageously expensive: shut up; we don't want to hear your whinging.

Gaaaaaaaaaah!!!!! They're not "Lamborghini" doors! Let's come up with something else to call them! Now now now! "Testicle pinchers" or "lady repellent" or "money wasters." Some damn thing so I never have to hear them called "Lambo doors" again...

Good lord is that ugly. I don't care about the roof; those front fender flares make me taste bile. And the little fake-rally-style fog light inserts that aren't actually inserts at all? They make me despair for humanity.

Policy-wise, this is a really tough sell, but I'm committed enough to keeping our roads safe by tightening the loosest nut that I really think we should just take old people's licenses away and live with the guilt. And I will still believe this when I am old. They are simply too staggeringly dangerous.

One of my aunts got my granddaddy off the road by claiming that her car had broken down, and getting him to sell his to her. He was like 93, and had one eye.

"Tony! I have a great idea! You know how awesome our RC drifting is? Let's film it, and put it on the internet! No, wait, here's the good part. You know how people like to watch drifting? We might get a bunch of hits, and that might eat up a lot of bandwidth. So let's get your brother's Casio synthesizer out of