Umm... are you sure you know what 'former' means?
Umm... are you sure you know what 'former' means?
Well, he misspelled 'Porsche,' but I can't fault his grammar.
Indianapolis Motor Speedway. The track tour and the museum.
That's not a mako; that's a sand tiger shark.
If I bought this car, it would be to shoot it.
Hah! I got it the other way around. Because I grew up in New Jersey, and badmouthing a Camaro got your ass beat. Even if it was an RS.
You broke my watch...
This is the catfish Supra.
Wow. I never noticed that before, and now I will never be able to think of anything else when I see that car.
Anything by Luigi Colani. He does that on purpose. I read an interview with him once where he said he designed an engine where the con-rods looked like fish.
This is my kind of debacle. Stupid, ugly, and probably poorly put together, but I seriously want this ride. And this is the first NPOCP in a long time that I'd actually have the money for.
Hear, hear. That's Jalop, right there. Warranties are for yuppies with Camrys.
Renting a car does suck a bit. But for the hype, this is the least traumatic car rental story I've heard in a long time. Seriously, this is 2 standard deviations better than the baseline. This is the positive control for experiments on sucky rental cars. I'd be deliriously happy to have this experience with a…
It depends on the city. I think in my city you just have to be more than 120 yards from any occupied building, and not be in a state park. Some cities it's never legal.
But does it sound as good as the Vanquish?
Reminds me of Elvis and his DeTomaso Pantera. Somebody tracked that car down a while back, and it's been restored, but there's still a bullet hole in the steering wheel.
Hyundai Sonata. In the '90s, I used to recommend Saturns, or else Honda Civiccords.
Throw in a LeMons exemption and one of us is sold.
The Yellowbird has got to be up there somewhere. That much oppo has to mean something.