@joeisuzu: This actually works as far back as the Mk IV. It's just that if they still have a 10 year old car, their daddies don't have as much money as the ones with the new models.
@joeisuzu: This actually works as far back as the Mk IV. It's just that if they still have a 10 year old car, their daddies don't have as much money as the ones with the new models.
Are these cars going to suddenly start pining for English women named Anny, and then have really unimpressive realizations about the futility of existence and bore the hell out of me but be critically applauded and have undergraduates not be able to shut up about them for one goddamn second?
@Elhigh: So it was a Mk II? I have a 1986 and a half Mk III, with the 7M-GE. I've gone 120 on the 5-mile drive back from work. In a 25 zone. I need some of that "older and wiser" juice.
'92 Acura NSX. The old 3 liter. Belonged to a guy called "Booger." It'll go 170, but I topped out at 142. According to the cop, anyway. But, he didn't give me a ticket. This was in like 1994, in Nevada. I was 16, and I didn't have a driver's license.
The other day there was ice on my windows when I got to the car in the morning. Not very common where I live in California. Now, I grew up in Toronto and New Jersey, so you'd think I would be able to call up some reserves from the old days, when I had to deal with this all the time. Get out the ice scraper that I…
Martin Brundle once told me it was the best handling car he ever drove...
@nibby68: I concur.
@Chairman Kaga: Certainly the greatest animated F-body of all time...
@Drew and not U: One word...
@Viking03: Natch.
I remember one time a bro-tastic friend of a friend dropped by the house to pester me about fuel additives or something. He was driving a bright red 1-ton pickup with a 7" lift and at least 35" wheels; maybe bigger.
@brospowr1001 has GT5 but it doesn't actually exist: I never realized that there were bros in New Jersey. I never called them "bros," growing up there. I just called them "goombahs" or "meatheads" or something. I never heard the term "bro" until I moved to California, but now I see the eerie parallels.
Well, I live on the California coast, and here bros drive lifted Toyota Hilux 4x4s with Fabtech front suspensions and a pitbull and a surfboard in the back. The truck usually color-matches their Oakley sunglasses and Volcom hats.
I'm sympathetic to the 1st-gen Sunfire people. That's a very good call. But I'd like to add the Saturn S-series.
You know, rather than name a series, I'm going to go more abstract and say: homologation rules. In any series that used to have them and doesn't anymore. Nascar, JGTC, WRC, Trans-Am, whatever.
@IFTNFS: 'Fraid not. She lived in Arlington VA and sold it in the '90s. But maybe you guys could form some sort of club or something, since I assume you've retired out to Florida too...
@IFTNFS: Yeah, I think so.
My grandmother had this car in white. 'Nuff said.
@Spiegel is Einhorn: The last time I coitused a rhino, it didn't sound anything like that...