
I'm usually not very fangirl over celebs and assume even the "adorkable" ones are all manufactured image bs but I've always had a little soft spot for Amy Adams. I like that she didn't really break out until she was over 30 and gets roles as the leading lady/romantic lead, proving that there is an interest in having

But as you said, she got the big paycheck she wanted. If she can't handle criticism, then she can leave the industry, I really don't whole understand this "if you say anything negative or not 100% supportive of someone" you are a mean "hater" culture. Just like the general public can't complain about lack of quality

I'm just going to imagine that the straps were pulled up and that she had a chignon and looked perfect.

Just want to say, totally know how you feel. I didn't even really have that many toys when I was little, my parents "joke" about it now, like "Oh remember when Sub Vido would go outside and play with the trees and talk to them! Yeah you were so bored and lonely!". My younger half-brothers get everything they want,

Now playing

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So as he plays that football video game for the 5th time today (grrrr) I am going to share my bf's favorite breakfast. I agree with everything Albert says except I cook my eggs on medium on the oven, but that may just be a matter of appliances. I also have mix-ins which give it a richer, fresher taste.

One of my little brothers wanted a time machine so he could go back in time and then have the double the manpower to beat up my other little brother. He was five at the time, a very philosophical fellow, every morning he'd tell me elaborate stories at breakfast about his thoughts on the universe and various theories

Probably one of those toy kitchen eggs. Some of them have velcro and you can pull them in half, or some of them even have layers.

Yup, I was a voracious reader when I was little and read every single dolls collection of books plus all the extra books and the craft and cooking ones. I didn't even have to try in history until the AP courses because I had a pretty solid understanding of recent American history, the social classes & structures, the

People love to be sanctimonious to random internet strangers on a "celebrity, sex, fashion…" site.

I love WWHL, I know a lot of people think Cohen is the godfather of all things unholy on TV but people give up the best gossip on that show. And it is silly and funny and not forced, canned, "here is my charming anecdote that plugs my current project and makes me seem endearing and likable" spiels. And he cuts through