
Looks like two turds from Ontario.

I never get tired of these stories. I hope you keep this feature up. By the way, I was in the black and now I’m in the grey. What’s up with that?

So it works like a cigarette lighter. They throw some sparks in there which set the fuel ablaze. How delightfully old-fashioned.

I tried some of that stuff, ONCE. It tasted like Lake Ontario (hurl).

I made a joke the last time you posted this and got demoted to the grays. That’s a little harsh for a bad joke, don't you think?

You have allies here.

They saw the light.

Industrial art. People (mostly teenagers) have been stealing hood ornaments for decades. They used to wear them around their necks or put them on a shelf in their rooms. Let’s face it, they’re gorgeous. It’s much like the South Pacific islanders during World War Two who wold scavenge the American Marine’s garbage

Don’t expect an answer from Andrew or any other writer about that sort of question. I was in the black and found myself in the gray. I tried to find out who did that and never got a response from anyone. It’s all very strange.

Kinja deals has them all the time.

Geez, that one guy at the beginning of the tape landed pretty hard. It looked like he was hurt.

Steve Jobs paid the ultimate price for believing that crap.

Delightful but they left two giraffes hanging. : )

The NAFTA treaty gives America the right to purchase non-pristine water from Canada. If there is a business operating on any lake or waterway, water from that source can be purchased. Some time ago, an American business man sailed a tanker into a bay on Canadian territory on the West Coast and began loading fresh

Are you kidding? He looks great for 84.

Perhaps one of our mathematically inclined commenters could tell us how much water a four foot pipe could deliver every twenty-four hours.

Yeah, there is and Kate really likes it. You should watch it sometime.

Agent Rockstar is an old friend and I just want to hear what he has to say.

Agent Rockstar is an old friend and I just want to hear what he has to say.

Of course it is. There are some excellent electric tooth brushes on the market with replaceable heads.

We prefer the name voyeur...err...they prefer that name.