

Or unless BigFoot is somehow involved.

But if you have a pet elephant it might get electrocuted.

That is totally incoherent.

That photo is amazing. Really.

Give it a rest, fer crisake.

And poison ivy is a perfectly natural plant.

It’s a bitch, alright but I never had it as bad as you did. I go every 3 months for a CT scan so if anything pops up they can catch it early. Early diagnosis and luck seem to be the main lifesavers. I told my Oncologist team that this was going to come back again and again until it got me, or my heart condition did.

What in hell happened? When did American businesses go from “The customer is always right” to “The customer is always wrong”. I think it started with the programmers who called people idiots when they complained about the operation of their equipment. They got away with it and other businesses jumped on board this new

Well done. Thanks.

I’m glad they put Amelie in there. What a fabulous bunch of films.

I won’t say anything if you don’t.

That car is very impressive.

I wouldn't mind hearing how well it works for you.

I wouldn't mind hearing how well it works for you.

I had a VPN that ran through Comcast in LaSalle. Never had a problem with them.

I’m so happy that I can recommend your articles now that you have instituted approved commenters.

One night several years ago the whole city of Toronto had a power outage. I looked up at the sky, saw the Milky Way, the InterNational Space Station (which I didn’t think orbited that far north but later found out otherwise) and many satellites. Much to my surprise, I talked to people the next day who never looked up

Early detection and some very good luck is what saved me—for the time being.

More like 6 years until really excellent stem cell treatments come on line. They’ve got it now but it needs some honing.

I’ve had it twice in the last 2 1/2 years. They got it with surgery the first time and radiation the 2nd time. I had a horseshoe up my ass, no doubt. Chemo is bad and radiation is a close second. With the pain management they have now, surgery is definitely the best way to go. I was taking 3 kinds of oxycontin. There