If the cancer was removed surgically, why did you need chemo?
If the cancer was removed surgically, why did you need chemo?
Ahh, that’s what it was. Funny as hell.
What a fabulous idea.
Read the article. It explains everything.
I wrote copy for newspaper ads so I should fit right in.
I believe that’s three-fitty.
That’s a great idea. I didn’t find it boring at all. When I worked in an office, none of that equipment was available.
In Toronto some of them got way out of hand during the occupy protests. Doesn’t happen often, though.
I watched a game in which one of those cameras crashed onto the field when a wire broke. I’ve never seen anyone look as pissed-off as the technician who came out to pick everything up.
Put up a sign reading, “Enter AT Your Own Risk”. That should cover it.
Agreed. Unhumankind will inherit the Earth and everything else. We are sowing the seeds of our own demise and marveling at it. Intelligent meat has no future in space. It just appears to be the natural order of things.
Cardinal Sin was the name that got me.
WOW! Sounds like they appointed the right guy.
I’ve used a land line my whole life; solid, crystal clear sound. These cell phone signals sound like some ghost attempting to contact you from the other side. It’s awful.
That’s how I figures it.
That friggin guy makes me ill.
At a protest rally in Toronto, a cop pointed at a guy and said, “You’re under arrest”! The guy turned and started to run away. The cop yelled, “You can run but you’re still under arrest”! The guy slowed down, stopped, turned around and walked back. That was pretty cool.
Because the word is out about the stash of gold you have in your bedroom closet.
I just tried the DuckDuckGo question and it gave me the VPN server location, so you are correct, sir; also, I never use my cache for anything so I erase it every night.