
It’s the not the size of the gun, but what you can...

He’s an editor here. He probably isn’t going anywhere. It might be in your better interest for you to fuck off, instead.

Keep in mind, this is what Trump has stated he wants to do with our National Debt. I imagine our country creditors will look on that just as fondly.

+1 for boobs and fire.

Exactly. This cult has a well-known pattern of destroying lives and reputations.

1) Is CCD communion class? 2) Why were you going to hell? 3) Good on teacher and your mom for being on top of their shit.


23 body sculpting tips that will have your dad drooling.

If he hollers, let him go, Lewis.

I read years ago that this is one of Helen Mirren’s favorite jokes, which is when my love for her was cemented: “How can you tell when an Essex girl comes? She drops her fries.”

for some perspective on the size...

It drives me up the wall. I had things like reduced lunch as a kid, and now, guess what? I am a college-educated citizen with a job, who pays taxes, contributes to society, and serves in the military. You know what would have made all that impossible? Not being able to think in school because I was so hungry. So for

Even if he was an affirmative action admission all it would prove is that affirmative action kicks ass and is worth the investment, because we got Barack Freaking Obama out of it.

28,000 kilometers is like 5 miles.

Sempai noticed me!


I want Bernie and Killer Mike to ride off into the sunset together, touring America and having wacky adventures.

Not if he's hanging out with Beiber. That Monaco podium was painful.

stars for the use of ‘unslaked’

No. It wasn’t illegal, not any of it. Comey was part of the Whitewater investigation and is Republican. He hates her. That’s why he held the unnecessary press conference. Because he couldn’t do anything else.