
Bone spurs.

It seems like the seller is trying to recoup all the money for the mods. Good luck with that.

I she didn’t do this, she would have just gotten stuck on a rock somewhere.

Tall and narrow is better aerodynamically than low and wide.

Damn! I accidentally referred to Kristen as ‘dude’ today because I thought I was addressing Torch, so I made a second post to say ‘my bad’. Some of these fuckos need mental health evaluations.

Holy crap! That’s a great idea. 

Sweet minivan. 

It looked old when it was new, which, I think, was meant to be that way.


Cool. Shame about that color though. Blech.

Yeah, commit to being married because there’s a financial benefit. WTF? 

Wagons, they’re all wagons. LOL

I grew up in RI and still live in RI and I’ve never seen it. Admittedly, I avoid all things canned as much as possible, but I’ve never heard of it either.

C’mon, dude. All ‘crossovers’ are just wagons masquerading as SUVs.

Because it’s shortsighted. They turn the screws on customers and get a few to pay the premium, but they sour a larger swath of potential customers at the same time.

They must all be at SEMA. I have yet to see one in the wild. 

The VW Bug and the Model T are always cited as prolific vehicles, and they are, but the Toyota Corolla might be the highest volume vehicle ever sold that nobody ever thinks of. 

As long as dealers can gouge on pricing and get away with it - they will.

I’m thinking it was the wall thickness of the cylinders. Shorter stroke is better for higher RPM too - if it were related to stroke. It could have been a few different reasons. I’m not familiar with the specifics of the different Hemi engines though.

“So, same thing as pretty much all car brands nowadays?”